#139212980Friday, July 04, 2014 2:49 PM GMT

No, It will randomly choose one of the strings from the table based on your script, try using it and tell us if it works.
#139629815Tuesday, July 08, 2014 9:25 AM GMT

The Roblox Wiki is an excellent resource for scripting, I recommend starting with learning simple concepts such as strings and variables and then merging those concepts to improve your scripting skills, I would also suggest using an online translator to translate it into your language, although the translation may be somewhat inaccurate. Here's the link, Try to start on your own pace.
#139633273Tuesday, July 08, 2014 11:20 AM GMT

Alright, I'll explain to help you, Let's pretend that I have a bunch of Strings ranging from "One to "Five" and I want to arrange these in order and store them together, I would of course, create a table, NumTab = {"One","Two","Three","Four","Five"} However, what if I decide I want to find a specific string by searching directly through the table, well in this case, I will use a generic for loop to do that, I also want to find "Two". for i,v in pairs(NumTab) do if v == "Two" then print("Two has ...
#139815060Thursday, July 10, 2014 12:13 AM GMT

Actually, I personally think that learning about strings,tables and variables are good things to learn as a beginner, you don't have to learn the more complex ways to use them yet, just enough to do something simple that you will understand. However, It's important to slow down and do things at your own pace, learn each one at once and practice to grasp the concept.
#139816060Thursday, July 10, 2014 12:22 AM GMT

To help simplify string's for you, Imagine that I wanted to send someone a message with the word Hello, if I tried to use, print(Hello) it would "return" nil in output, ignoring the "return" I mentioned for now, the engine would think that Hello was a "variable". However, if I used, print("Hello") it would print Hello. Think of using those various characters to create strings as grouping up a bunch of letters and showing the engine that you want it to read those letters as though it was a norma...
#139863072Thursday, July 10, 2014 10:42 AM GMT

Well, you could create a "Table", Store the strings and then loop through it.
#140051083Saturday, July 12, 2014 2:24 AM GMT

Well, let's pretend that you were telling someone Hello, well, in this case, I want output to print or tell me Hello, If I typed out print(Hello), output would think that I'm referring to something, such as a variable with a stored value, however, for example, if I typed out something like print("Hello") that would tell the engine that I only want it to read what's inside the double quotation marks without executing any other kind of special commands other then just "printing" out Hello, there's...
#143088451Saturday, August 09, 2014 3:51 PM GMT

"i" is the numerical position of the "Child" or in this case, "Strings" in the table. "y" is the actual "Child" or "String" in the table.
#143421752Tuesday, August 12, 2014 11:18 PM GMT

if script.Parent.Text == foods[ChildPositionHere] then --The "Child" in this case is one of the strings in the table. print("Is a food!") end
#143979766Tuesday, August 19, 2014 4:17 AM GMT

That was just an example, you could use the previous suggestions without using any strings as long as an object named "BasePlate" is actually in existence.
#180781256Thursday, December 31, 2015 11:24 PM GMT

Usage of the substring function is a viable method for accomplishing this particular task. Alternatively, if you desire for greater specification, you could utilize the string.gmatch() iterative function to obtain specified elements of the string, as specified below: String = "Example"; for c in String:gmatch("%a") do print(c); end The argument for the gmatch function would be any desired control-strings. Although, it should be recognized that the variable "c" merely to the current charac...
#184107925Sunday, February 21, 2016 11:36 PM GMT

"infinite world" It would not be a "true" infinite world, as computers can only maintain a finite quantity of data. Rather, he/she would need to store and load "segments" of the world as needed. Anyway, returning to the actual subject: Why not familiarize yourself with a concept that you cannot understand very well? Perhaps you create a script to store random strings within a table?