#181597215Wednesday, January 13, 2016 3:34 AM GMT

"Someone seems angry" Do not worry schoolchild, this account will be terminated soon enough. Although, Tu Quoque.
#181597348Wednesday, January 13, 2016 3:37 AM GMT

"it's just caps" Typically, the "caps" imply abbreviation. And Lua is not an abbreviation.
#181597636Wednesday, January 13, 2016 3:42 AM GMT

[ Content Deleted ]
#181597773Wednesday, January 13, 2016 3:45 AM GMT

"bait" Or it could be a truthful statement... Never-mind though. You are easily gobbling the meal provided by Barack "Imam" Obama, our national Muslim advocate.
#181597941Wednesday, January 13, 2016 3:48 AM GMT

Yes, thoughts of my intellectual-inferiority frequently cause me to tremble with anxiety and anger, given that I am also an employed adult with cognitive-disabilities. Provoking adolescent schoolchildren over the Internet compensates quite well.
#181598007Wednesday, January 13, 2016 3:49 AM GMT

#181598172Wednesday, January 13, 2016 3:52 AM GMT

πŸŽ„ β˜ƒ ❆ πŸŽ… πŸŽ„ β˜ƒ ❆ πŸŽ… πŸŽ„ β˜ƒ ❆ πŸŽ… πŸŽ„ β˜ƒ ❆ πŸŽ… πŸŽ„ β˜ƒ ❆ πŸŽ… πŸŽ„ β˜ƒ ❆ πŸŽ… πŸŽ„ β˜ƒ ❆ πŸŽ… πŸŽ„ β˜ƒ ❆ πŸŽ… πŸŽ„ β˜ƒ ❆ πŸŽ… πŸŽ„ β˜ƒ ❆ πŸŽ… πŸŽ„ β˜ƒ ❆ πŸŽ… πŸŽ„ β˜ƒ ❆ πŸŽ… πŸŽ„ β˜ƒ ❆ πŸŽ… πŸŽ„ β˜ƒ ❆ πŸŽ… πŸŽ„ β˜ƒ ❆ πŸŽ… πŸŽ„ β˜ƒ ❆ πŸŽ… πŸŽ„ β˜ƒ ❆ πŸŽ… πŸŽ„ β˜ƒ ❆ πŸŽ… πŸŽ„ β˜ƒ ❆ πŸŽ… πŸŽ„ β˜ƒ ❆ πŸŽ… πŸŽ„ β˜ƒ ❆ πŸŽ… πŸŽ„ β˜ƒ ❆ πŸŽ… πŸŽ„ β˜ƒ ❆ πŸŽ… πŸŽ„ β˜ƒ ❆ πŸŽ… πŸŽ„ β˜ƒ ❆ πŸŽ… πŸŽ„ β˜ƒ ❆ πŸŽ… πŸŽ„ β˜ƒ ❆ πŸŽ… πŸŽ„ β˜ƒ ❆ πŸŽ… πŸŽ„ β˜ƒ ❆ πŸŽ… πŸŽ„ β˜ƒ ❆ πŸŽ… πŸŽ„ β˜ƒ ❆ πŸŽ… πŸŽ„ β˜ƒ ❆ πŸŽ… πŸŽ„ β˜ƒ ❆ πŸŽ… πŸŽ„ β˜ƒ ❆ πŸŽ… πŸŽ„ β˜ƒ ❆ πŸŽ… πŸŽ„ β˜ƒ ❆ πŸŽ… πŸŽ„ β˜ƒ ❆ πŸŽ… πŸŽ„ β˜ƒ ❆ πŸŽ… πŸŽ„ β˜ƒ ❆ πŸŽ… πŸŽ„ β˜ƒ ❆ πŸŽ… πŸŽ„ β˜ƒ ❆ πŸŽ… πŸŽ„ β˜ƒ ❆ πŸŽ… πŸŽ„ β˜ƒ ❆ πŸŽ… πŸŽ„ β˜ƒ ❆ πŸŽ… πŸŽ„ β˜ƒ ❆ πŸŽ… πŸŽ„ β˜ƒ ❆ πŸŽ… πŸŽ„ β˜ƒ ❆ πŸŽ… πŸŽ„ β˜ƒ ❆ πŸŽ… πŸŽ„ β˜ƒ ❆ πŸŽ… πŸŽ„ β˜ƒ ❆ πŸŽ… πŸŽ„ β˜ƒ ❆ πŸŽ… πŸŽ„ β˜ƒ ❆ πŸŽ… πŸŽ„ β˜ƒ ❆ πŸŽ… πŸŽ„ β˜ƒ ❆ πŸŽ… πŸŽ„ β˜ƒ ❆ πŸŽ… πŸŽ„ β˜ƒ ❆ πŸŽ… πŸŽ„ β˜ƒ ❆ πŸŽ… πŸŽ„ β˜ƒ ❆ πŸŽ… πŸŽ„ β˜ƒ ❆ πŸŽ… πŸŽ„ β˜ƒ ❆ πŸŽ… πŸŽ„ β˜ƒ ❆ πŸŽ… πŸŽ„ β˜ƒ ❆ πŸŽ… πŸŽ„ β˜ƒ...
#181911156Monday, January 18, 2016 6:06 AM GMT

Ah, good to see that we have another technologically-proficient individual on this sub-section! Now then, could you provide me with a simple method of implementing functional recursion to iterate over an array of integers? Preferably, optimized logarithmically.
#181911801Monday, January 18, 2016 6:21 AM GMT

Typical "female" adolescent schoolchild desperate to utilize the presence of a vulva to manipulate naive and impulsive male children over the Internet. Truly, it is repulsive that the Internet, a hub designated for the formal transfer of intellectual information, has become a "heavenly" medium for narcissistic scum.
#181912921Monday, January 18, 2016 6:48 AM GMT

Why is a redundant argument occurring? It seems rather nonsensical as to why anyone would not enjoy the value of recognizing their inferiority in comparison to characteristics of other users. Recognition of genuine inferiority allows the individual to easily receive intellectual-satisfaction by magnifying the flaws of other, "superior" contemporaries and focus on revising his/her own capabilities accordingly. Truly, you should be quite thankful to experienced users for publicly-criticizing yo...
#181915641Monday, January 18, 2016 8:06 AM GMT

Hello fellow users of LMaD. How do you suppose that an economically-inferior novice such as myself rise to the elevated ranks of trading proficiency? Genuinely-speaking, I consider your systematic tactics as being quite admirable.
#181915852Monday, January 18, 2016 8:12 AM GMT

Only the individuals of direct relevance to our moderation. Although, I suppose that Meands13337 is an excellent exception of a splendid user. Truly, he/she is directly-superior to any of the imbeciles mentioned here.
#181916347Monday, January 18, 2016 8:28 AM GMT

"You first need BC..." Oh, yes, of-course. Afterwards...?
#181916732Monday, January 18, 2016 8:43 AM GMT

"cody123454321's superiority complex is indeed a defense mechanism. All of his self-worth is wrapped into his supposed programming skills, and by admitting his lack of skill, is to relinquish his self-worth. That's what defense mechanisms like that exist for" Perfectly-valid and logical statement. I would have to admit that I agree with your claim entirely. Nonetheless, I suppose that the aforementioned individual will eventually experience gradual cognitive-dissonance from recurrent exposur...
#181916835Monday, January 18, 2016 8:47 AM GMT

Typical African American schoolchildren.
#181921018Monday, January 18, 2016 12:35 PM GMT

Ah, Sleet Clan. A rather nostalgic group. Which reminds me, is F.E.A.R/R.A.T still perceived negatively?
#181924437Monday, January 18, 2016 2:37 PM GMT

Yes, discuss the functionality of the four basic arithmetic operators through the use of mathematical sequences. Example: Multiplication is merely the series of a sequence.
#181924513Monday, January 18, 2016 2:38 PM GMT

Unusually-aggressive African Americans do not deserve a month of worship. Neither do intellectually-superior Caucasian individuals.
#181926068Monday, January 18, 2016 3:16 PM GMT

Given that I am rather calmer than usual, I suppose a wholesome discussion of base-two sequences will entertain our fellow users, yes? Good then. We will start with a basic sequence of my choosing: "01010", which equals "10" in base-ten calculations. Such a sequence is actually equivalent to this: (0 * 2^4) + (1 * 2^3) + (0 * 2^2) + (1 * 2^1) + (0 * 2^0). As you may have noticed, the exponential values for each term of the binary sequence decreases as you move rightwards. This is solely beca...
#181926213Monday, January 18, 2016 3:19 PM GMT

Given that I am rather calmer than usual, I suppose that a wholesome discussion of base-two sequences will entertain our fellow users, yes? Good then. We will start with a basic sequence of my choosing: "01010", which equals "10" in base-ten calculations. Such a sequence is actually equivalent to this: (0 * 2^4) + (1 * 2^3) + (0 * 2^2) + (1 * 2^1) + (0 * 2^0). As you may have noticed, the exponential values for each term of the binary sequence decreases as you move rightwards. This is solel...
#181926340Monday, January 18, 2016 3:22 PM GMT

Hello, Off-Topic! Given that I am rather calmer than usual, I suppose a wholesome discussion of base-two sequences will entertain our fellow users, yes? Good then. We will start with a basic sequence of my choosing: "01010", which equals "10" in base-ten calculations. Such a sequence is actually equivalent to this: (0 * 2^4) + (1 * 2^3) + (0 * 2^2) + (1 * 2^1) + (0 * 2^0). As you may have noticed, the exponential values for each term of the binary sequence decreases as you move rightwards. ...
#181926533Monday, January 18, 2016 3:27 PM GMT

Hmm? It would seem that I am not receiving any responses demonstrating interest. It is rather strange given that I assumed the adolescent schoolchildren on the website would gladly grasp for accurate and depth-ful knowledge.
#181927052Monday, January 18, 2016 3:40 PM GMT

Yes. I am seeking a scripter for my most recent project. I am in need of an individual proficient in manipulating PHP/MySQL to transfer data between the client/server. The user must also be able to utilize an amalgam of Coordinate-Frames and Trigonometry to simulate concrete physics. Those who participate and successfully implement an in-game physics engine with displayed-statistics on a website will receive a payment of Robux nearly equivalent to the current cost of Dominus Infernus. I await...
#181970043Tuesday, January 19, 2016 1:48 AM GMT

Have you considered playing "Blockland"? It is a rather entertaining game. Although the community has a somewhat higher quantity of aggressive adolescent schoolchildren.
#181970770Tuesday, January 19, 2016 1:58 AM GMT

"does blockland have clans" Yes. User-created clans are present throughout the game. I would suggest exploring the website/forums to receive an accurate assessment of the game.