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#104912881Wednesday, July 10, 2013 5:48 PM GMT

: Motor tweak(s). No, I'm not referring to the motor surface type, I'm referring to the motor that can be places similar to a "Hole". It can be found under basic objects, when not selecting anything. It is primarily a weld-based creation, which can be interpreted by the fact is has to properties; Part1 and Part0. I would like the ability to change the face and location on that face, in which the motor is placed, similarly to the "Hole" placed in a similar way. It makes it easier to make things out of the same number of bricks as a player, but that crawl rather than walk. ________________________________________________________________ 2: Motor, Weld, and similar tweaks. As it stands, you can currently only set the Part1 and Part0 property in these with a script. I want to be able to change them by typing, similarly to changing the name of one of these objects. ________________________________________________________________ 3:Wedge, Corner wedge, and Truss tweaks. Add "Wedge" and "Corner wedge" as Shapes to blocks. Trusses too. And, allow the Seats and Vehicle seats to become the 3 of them. ________________________________________________________________ 4: Larger light range. Sure, 60 is nice and large... but... I'm not sure if this was intended, but, setting the color of a Light to black creates a shadow there. It saves a lot of trouble when building underground areas of a map. But, lets take it a bit further, and allow us to "light" an entire cave with a single brick. Up the light max range to 360, or allow players full customization with the range. Also, while I'm in the area of light: Allow the "Block depth" required to block light be changeable, or make it much smaller yourselves. I don't like the thought of having to have a 4-stud thick block to stop light, even if it's meant to be a stalagmite or stalactite blocking the light slipping in from a hole in the cave ceiling. It simply doesn't fit right in caves when that sort of thing happens. ________________________________________________________________ 5: Larger Spotlight angle 180 is nice for most things, but what if we want the angle to be 270? Or 320? Allow the angle of a Spotlight to be made all the way up to 360 (Yes, I know 360 is a full circle, and destroys the point of a PointLight, but, quite simply, I want a light that can have an angle to bend around a corner, lighting up everything that corner faces, but not the corner itself.) ________________________________________________________________ 6: Multidirectional truss resizing Maybe I want a truss that is 3 studs wide, 12 studs tall, and 1 stud deep? Hard to do when trusses can only resize in one direction after resizing it larger than the "stock" size. (Without CFraming, which can turn ugly for a truss. Imagine it. Truss bars running together and forcing through each other, leaving you with this awkward 4-bar situation if done with stock truss, and even more if done with a larger truss.) Have I mentioned that making a truss depth 1 stud doesn't change the size of the truss "mesh" itself, but leaves it still as 2 deep? And that similar happens if it is resized to an odd number? Yuck. ________________________________________________________________ 7: A true "fan" propulsion system Sure, having a script copy a velocity into something in front of a certain object can act like a fan, but, why not have a TRUE "FanPropulsion", that forces anything in front of it into a direction based on it's set velocity? a negative number pulling it in, a positive pushing it away. (I do not mean that it pulls/pushes and object to a specific point in the game. It would push them a set number of studs away from itself, or pull them in from a set number of studs; from any point around it, or in the direction is is facing.) ________________________________________________________________ 8: Ability to set sounds to only play to characters within a specific region set with a Region3 value. Specific use: So I can stop having Foire the Bard have music audible through walls, but be loud and clear to anyone standing in the same room as him, even if on the other side. Having blocks able to block sound would be nice too. ________________________________________________________________ 9: The ability to access the report button through coding, to submit reports. Why? Because it would allow us (Game creators) to create systems to catch and report players breaking real ROBLOX rules, without having to be there. For example, we could create a script that fills out a report when a player chats "I am an exploiter", which does occasionally happen. ________________________________________________________________ 10: Enforcing the game's regular thumbnail as a thumbnail image. First and foremost, there are games that pop up late at night which are, in one word, inappropriate. I've seen a few that put up a thumbnail that awaits review, blocking the games thumbnail from being spotted, which may allow them to slip past passive moderation. It also helps to prevent some fake games. ________________________________________________________________ Thats pretty much it for now. I may or may not add onto this list. ~>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QzuaZR52cXo<~
#105034384Thursday, July 11, 2013 3:43 PM GMT

Bump. ~>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QzuaZR52cXo<~
#105418128Sunday, July 14, 2013 3:32 PM GMT

Bump. ~>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QzuaZR52cXo<~
#105418260Sunday, July 14, 2013 3:34 PM GMT

#105528925Monday, July 15, 2013 1:57 PM GMT

Bump. ~>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QzuaZR52cXo<~
#106064988Friday, July 19, 2013 5:54 PM GMT

#106820816Wednesday, July 24, 2013 10:27 PM GMT

Bump. ~>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-CQ0I7S19jw<~
#107180551Saturday, July 27, 2013 5:56 AM GMT

Addition to the list: Mouse cursor fixes. The current mouse moves slower towards the right, faster to the left; also, when moving right, if you move slightly instead of making a large sweeping motion, then it is actually capable of not moving the mouse to the sides at all. Fix this please. It doesn't do it on the ROBLOX webpage or on other games (Games being other online games aside from ROBLOX.) so I am inclined to believe it is something to do with the game client. ~>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-CQ0I7S19jw<~
#107181535Saturday, July 27, 2013 6:05 AM GMT

These are all amazing. But...you're bumping a bit excessively, don't you think? I get that you want to revive the thread, but perhaps you could show it to a friend and ask them to post their opinion or make a meaningful post as a bump.
#107181677Saturday, July 27, 2013 6:06 AM GMT

tl;dr version plz
#107181903Saturday, July 27, 2013 6:08 AM GMT

TL;DR version: Don't be a turd, read the whole thing. Honestly. There's a reason you're taught to read at school.
#107186703Saturday, July 27, 2013 7:00 AM GMT

I'm following a guideline set by a former mod, of around 3-4 bumps before letting the post die. I bumped it 3 times, and was going to let it die, to post a revised version later, but I only had a single idea to add, so, I posted it as an add on, causing what would have been the 4th bump in a row to be a meaningful post instead. Also; @TL:DR guy: I generally don't believe in TL:DRs, and only use them or similar systems for things like my GIML ideas list, which can be found here: http://www.roblox.com/Forum/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=99227693 ~>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-CQ0I7S19jw<~
#107191154Saturday, July 27, 2013 7:56 AM GMT

Nice ideas.

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