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#113936666Wednesday, September 25, 2013 7:27 PM GMT

You said "One huge problem is copying. If I make a great shirt and sell it for 20 R$, it’s fairly easy to copy it and sell the copy for 19. Or 10. Or 1. ROBLOX wants to reward creativity, not copying. Copy-protecting these assets is technically impossible, so we want to move to a system where copiers cannot profit on their copies. Adding a price floor limits their ability to do this. Copies won’t be able to sell for less than the original, and given the option, most buyers would rather have the original." It's nice to know that you actually know about ROBLOX designers, and how they get copied and the original designer gets ignored. But your just ruining it. War groups aren't the only groups on ROBLOX. What about fashion groups? You're just trying to ruin them. How? 1. Our fashion shows. As me myself, an intern in a fashion group with 2k+ members, knows what fashion shows are. you get a theme and dress in it. Some people don't have enough for the new clothing prices. Some people don't have the right clothes for the theme. And they can't buy any. And guess what: NO ONE LIKES THIS. DESIGNERS ARE LOOSING MONEY BY THIS. NO ONE IS GONNA BUY CLOTHES NOW. Also, think about this: The people who don't have enough to buy robux in real life, but love to model and buy clothes on this game. You think you are poor. Your just trying to get money cause your greedy. You think that you need money. When you already got enough.
#113936767Wednesday, September 25, 2013 7:28 PM GMT

Nothing will be done about it, they've ignored us since TBC and OBC came out.
#113937188Wednesday, September 25, 2013 7:33 PM GMT

Basically, Thats the truth calico.
#113937318Wednesday, September 25, 2013 7:34 PM GMT

Why is the price so much? THIS IS OUTRAGEOUS!!!! This is not fair to kids. If this stays the same THEN WHAT'S THE POINT PLAYING ROBLOX!!!!! YOU CAN'T EVEN PAY FOR A SHIRT!
#113939033Wednesday, September 25, 2013 7:53 PM GMT

I have to agree. ROBLOX will be ruined for our fun and enjoyment. For now, it's just greedy with money. Just for once, stop making updates to upset us.
#113939098Wednesday, September 25, 2013 7:54 PM GMT

I did save up 250 tix but I just spent it, goddon.
#113939235Wednesday, September 25, 2013 7:55 PM GMT

I agree completely. Kids who LOVE playing ROBLOX and LOVE to shop come on the catalog, And think this is freaking messed up. HALF OF THE ROBLOX PLAYERS PLAY ROBLOX BECAUSE OF FASHION! THEIR UNIQUENESS! THEIR OWN SENSE OF STYLE! ROBLOX you are ruining it! SLAP YOURSELF AND GET ON WITH THE REAL WORD, THIS 300 TIX PRICE IS HELPING YOU GET MORE MONEY, It's helping people think of how big of jerks you are. PUT THIS TO SUPPORT IT #StopThePrice
#113939247Wednesday, September 25, 2013 7:55 PM GMT

Yes, i belive there doing it for the money but why? when they get so much money off of this already? some have quit already due to this update i have also heard some people saying that they will take it off soon. but if thats so then why make it that high in the first place?
#113939277Wednesday, September 25, 2013 7:56 PM GMT

I support.
#113939440Wednesday, September 25, 2013 7:57 PM GMT

#113939536Wednesday, September 25, 2013 7:58 PM GMT

I support 100%.
#113940169Wednesday, September 25, 2013 8:05 PM GMT

#113942306Wednesday, September 25, 2013 8:25 PM GMT

I so agree with this, Its stupid and annoying. I will really try to get ahold of roblox and have a little talk. I'm done with this
#113943260Wednesday, September 25, 2013 8:35 PM GMT

Just pointing out the FLOOR PRICE is 25 R$... No one can sell it for any less. e_e
#113944253Wednesday, September 25, 2013 8:44 PM GMT

i don't support, what if a designer gets deleted, stuff goes off-sale, etc and a lot of designers these days their stuff is copied anyways so.
#113944361Wednesday, September 25, 2013 8:45 PM GMT

I agree and support this. It's very unfair about the new prices.
#113944650Wednesday, September 25, 2013 8:48 PM GMT

#113944685Wednesday, September 25, 2013 8:48 PM GMT

DAng roblox is dumb Dumb shedletsky ITS TOO HIGH I was going to be TBC for life but not Na you good noobs
#113944745Wednesday, September 25, 2013 8:48 PM GMT

ROBLOX, Who do you think your helping? You're certainly NOT helping the economy. And thanks to you, no one will have enough tix to buy clothes. So instead of wanting to build your character, you're just going to quit. Shame on you ROBLOX. You greedy, greedy game. Instead of thinking about the new players, all your thinking about are the OBC'ers who have tons of tix. you're losing players! You're not helping nobody. NOT EVEN YOUR GAME. So instead of making this worse. Fix it.
#113944782Wednesday, September 25, 2013 8:49 PM GMT

I think the next update is going to be they will charge people robucks to get into groups As me, I cannot afford anything like this and I really have a passion for fashion.. but ROBLOX doesn't care about the people who are like that, They only want war group and fan groups and really I will start a war about this and I will destroy this update. I will crush it! WE NEED TO PROTEST AND I DONT KNOW 1 PERSON WHO AGREES WITH THIS UPDATE! I AM REALLY RAGEING RIGHT NOW BECAUSE OF THIS! ITS RIDICULAS! I really don't like it... I'm really mad and I refuse to buy clothing anymore until they go back to normal
#113945026Wednesday, September 25, 2013 8:51 PM GMT

I support! This is ruining fashion groups, designers (etc.) I might quit because of this. This is just for profit, your ruining children's lives I remember stopping by the catalog to see "What's New!" in the clothing department but now, I can't do that anymore because I can't afford these ridiculous clothing prices. Im a B.O.D. With a 2k+ group (Like calico) How do u think I'm suppose to host fashion shows when you need to dress out for a specific theme? What is the point of fashion groups? Not only fashion groups but War Groups. How are people going to buy the uniform when the pricing is ridiculously high? This is just ruining ROBLOX groups, not only do we have to spend a lot of money on TBC, OBC, and BC but now this? This ruins my chances as a ROBLOX avatar. I will protest until this stops. #FULL SUPPORT!! - B.O.D. (HR!) Beebella
#113945259Wednesday, September 25, 2013 8:53 PM GMT

Dude thats maked because that sick robloxians buy BC,TBC,OBC or Robux its just for money!
#113947056Wednesday, September 25, 2013 9:09 PM GMT

DO NOT AND I MEAN DO NOT buy the shirt on the front page on shirt that says I <3 ROBLOX the ROBLOX made, It tells lies, I think roblox is testing our limits until we explode.. He is ruining fashion and the passion for fashion and designers lives! THIS IS A NIGHTMARE! I hate this! its a disaster! I support this and agree. This is the worst update out of all of them. The only ****ing shirt I'm going to be wearing is the 'I quit' shirt because if this doesn't stop I might consider quitting again. The only groups ROBLOX cares about is the war groups. ROBLOX is going to go into war soon. Do you know MILLIONS of people quit because of this. Nice going ROBLOX, you really did it this time. I'm so disappointed in ROBLOX right now. V~V
#113947329Wednesday, September 25, 2013 9:11 PM GMT

#113947645Wednesday, September 25, 2013 9:14 PM GMT

I'm almost done. This is a crud. Ermagerd Rawr. Congrats ROBLOX I officially have another thing on your hate list. I WANT OLD ROBLOX BACK REALLY YOU NEVER LISTEN TO US!

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