#149980699Tuesday, November 18, 2014 2:01 AM GMT

(Alright, I'll revise and make it better. I usually travel a lot. But I'll try to revise.)
#149981191Tuesday, November 18, 2014 2:07 AM GMT

(Holy cow. Those posts are gonna make me crap. well then I better start doing better posts)
#150017662Tuesday, November 18, 2014 10:27 PM GMT

March trembled nervously outside a quaint little book store on the corner of two modern roads. This was Virgil Street, or known among Fantasists as Main Street. Despite the decent condition of the roads, very few cars were spotted on this one or any adjoining streets. The Fantasists have adjusted to many modern things, but automobiles was not quite one of them. The storefront read, "Coin Poche"- French for Corner Pocket. March made regular visits to the shop, yet it nonetheless frightened him every time he came. Alfred was an intimidating man of absurd proportions. But March was on a mission for Hatter, and Hatter was very displeased - spiteful, even - that day March did not fulfill his mission. He entered the book store. A bell chimed as he stepped into the smug little library with cinnamon and apple crisp scents mingled with the musty smell of old books. A woman on a stepladder, alerted by the bell, turned around. Noticing March, she lifted the hems of her blue dress and descended the stepladder to greet him. Why, it was none other than Belle!
#150017707Tuesday, November 18, 2014 10:27 PM GMT

[I'll just make a human because I am stumped.]
#150017807Tuesday, November 18, 2014 10:29 PM GMT

(Up to you. But I can help you with a Fantasist character if you need it.)
#150017853Tuesday, November 18, 2014 10:30 PM GMT

[I just need a list.]
#150017948Tuesday, November 18, 2014 10:32 PM GMT

(Here, let me invite you to a party.)
#150018501Tuesday, November 18, 2014 10:40 PM GMT

(Uh. Party closed... just look up some of those fables/folktales I mentioned on the previous page, Laser. Or just make a human, idc. Whatever you want to do.)
#150022490Tuesday, November 18, 2014 11:43 PM GMT

Misty squealed as the television suddenly turned on at her touch of the power button. It always excited her. They had nothing like this at home. Quickly boring of the television, even after her initial excitement, she turned it off and walked outside to get some fresh air. Harry Arachnid followed her outside of her house. "Where should we go?" She asked Harry. He shrugged. "Maybe we can just stroll around town?" He suggested. "Sounds good," Misty replied, beginning to walk down the street. She hummed, inviting all of the spiders crawling around to come join her on her walk. Harry followed, struggling to keep up with her fast-paced glide. "You're going to fast for a stroll," he said, settling to a slow jog. "I know, but I really want to explore that library we found yesterday," she responded, glancing back at him. Harry sighed, remembering the small library that they had discovered on one of their treks around town.
#150022689Tuesday, November 18, 2014 11:46 PM GMT

(Quick reminder: I'm probably not gonna revise my CS till the weekend, or maybe Friday. Is that okay?)
#150023433Tuesday, November 18, 2014 11:58 PM GMT

Frederik Voes, Coiner Corner, St. Wales- "..." The doctor feels the pulse a third time, as Frederik stands watch. The blood pool has spread, but not by much due the limited wound size. But that doesn't mean anything as the doctor stands up, still only half of Frederik's height, and writes off something on their pad. Ripping it off, Frederik nods in the manner he has come accustomed to. "Alright, you slackers. Help me bring in the body." Frederik grabs the shoulders, and one of the many Silver Bands grab the legs. As they near the door, it swings open. "Took ye long nough... But, another c-" "Shut up, Piper*." Frederik snaps, and the old Piper steps back to let in the carriers and their unconscious foe. After setting him up on a bed, Frederik returns to the door and the Piper. *"So... Another one? Again??" The Piper asks, gazing at the pool of blood. "Afraid so. Those in power don't care for the Corner, not as in the very start. But, we keep to ourselves and no one messes with the Corner too much." Frederik signs in reply. "I should tell you, Voes. This 'Tea Party', I heard, is coming to rise. I wouldn't say they can act, but they might just try." The Piper, a slippery informant, lets on. "Thanks. Now, check back. Make sure no one on this street isn't against us."* Frederik sends, and as the Piper walks away he looks on. *The Piper is the Pied Piper of Hamelin.* **All the dialogue in the last paragraph was in german.**
#150025661Wednesday, November 19, 2014 12:28 AM GMT

"March, welcome back," said Belle in a transparent French accent. "You've come for Mr. White, yes?" For a native French speaker, Belle was a quick learner. Even after three years, some other locals of Wonderland, March knew, still struggled with the English language. Her husband, however, was not particularly keen to learn a new language. Neither was he very keen to associate himself with Wonderlanders; in fact, he was the sole reason March hesitated to come here. All the same, Belle had hired a Wonderlander and Alfred, for her sake, did not dispute it. But he always greeted March with that devilish glare when the mad Tea Partier came to retrieve Mr. White, or otherwise known as the White Rabbit. "Indeed, mademoiselle," March replied with heavy emphasis on that second word. "Not a mademoiselle," Belle corrected as she started to glide to the back of the shop, ushering March along. "I'm married, you see." "Ah.. mademois-" "Just madame," said Belle. "Just call me madame." "Right." They advanced to the back of the shop and paused when they came to a basic wooden door with a brass nob. "This is our storeroom," said Belle as she turned the nob and pushed open the door with a hand. "I don't think you've been back here yet. But he should be in here somewhere, stocking our shelves." Belle then returned to the front of the door to continue her work. March entered the storeroom.
#150026655Wednesday, November 19, 2014 12:44 AM GMT

(mk, no one wanted to interact with Samantha) Samantha got up from her nap, before handling the situation. The sweet, fluffy little animal that once was crouched against her back-- was gone! Samantha had a face filled with terror, which to her surprise, felt... good. Samantha got up, and found the nearest book store. Books were her one passion, evolving in second place around adventure, which right now, wasn't her ideal passion. She wandered through the shelves of books, looking for a map to occur in front of her, like it does at the bookstore in Oz. Samantha saw a man in black, having some sort of mysterious... item? Samantha daddled on this, considering ideas for such a possible thing. The item was black, and curved... Like she sees in the movies Oz plays every Friday. "What did they call it??" She asked herself. "I think it was something like a gun, at-least that's what Lion called it." She thought. Hey, this man could be Oz! Maybe he was there to help her! But then again, he was pointing it at someone, and Oz knows it's bad to point-- Oh, how much I miss Tim! He'd know what to do in situations like this. After reassuring myself this was Oz, I looked at the scene one last time. The gun was still pointed at the girl, who looked awfully scared as she handed him green pieces of paper. I ran up to the guy, with my basket, and turned him around. He looked shocked. "Um-- Hi! It's me Samantha, from Oz, remember?" I said. His face began to smirk, leaving me cautious. "Here, have an apple--" I said, reaching for my basket. But I was too late. "Oz" was hit with my basket, knocking him down to the floor. "Huh? That's not Oz!" I say aloud. But everyone surrounding was cheering, for some unknown reason. The girl that was handing him the paper came over and picked up the green paper. "Here, have it. After all, you may have just saven ALL of our lives," she said. "Um, thanks?" I say confused. Whatever it was, I left with no answers on where I was. I was bothered by men with big flashy things who yelled at me, "Let me take your picture!" But that only made me run faster. Still, no Tim made no happiness, and no happiness meant... No Samantha. Oh, Tim, why can't you come home? (yeah again no body to interact with. again samantha is just standing on the sidewalk after she just saved a book store from robbery. derp)
#150048604Wednesday, November 19, 2014 12:03 PM GMT

Hatter drummed his fingers on his desk as he pondered on Her Majesty and her chink in the armour- that is to say, if she even had one. Truth be told, Hatter had no strategies, no means of fulfilling his guild's purpose; he'd made an empty promise to Mr. White, Caddis Miller, even March Harrison. He had no idea how to rival the Queen of Hearts. Judith was a crafty woman, and she had her henchmen to protect her. Her cards. Wait just a minute. Hatter stiffened in his chair. Strategy. Playing cards. Hmm...
#150069951Wednesday, November 19, 2014 11:08 PM GMT

(Just to reference and play off the cards...) Frederik Voes, Silver House, Coiner Corner. "Bloody hell. Now you are really just trying to cheat." Frederik mutters, as in his hand lays a unbelieveable load of crap. A Ace, a Jack, a Six and a Joker. Completely worthless in every single card game ever created. Of course, he could still fix this... "Hm..." He takes a swig from a nearby mug, amidst the protests of it. He calms down, looks at the other players, and knows just what to do. He flicks his wrist, picks on of his cards, and begins to victory. "What? Another Ace!?" The dealer scowls, attempting to claim Voes on cheating. "You threw me another one, which is already cheating. Accusing me of cheating because of you is your damn fault." Frederik confronts, and the table has already sided with him. With it, another bag full of money for him without much work involved. Time to get to a good establishment.
#150072061Wednesday, November 19, 2014 11:45 PM GMT

(Is this open to join?)
#150072842Wednesday, November 19, 2014 11:59 PM GMT

(i'm in a different library than everybody else) Misty opened the door to a small library. It had wooden shelves of books. It also smelled odd- like her garden back home had become really fragrant. It was actually somewhat pleasant. She let the door shut on Harry, who made an annoyed expression and walked in after her. A lady who Misty didn't recognize stood looking at the books. She glanced over at them, looking through her large, oval glasses perched on her hooked nose. "Welcome," she said with a flash of her yellowing teeth. Her face was young, yet she looked weary. Dark bags sat under her eyes. Misty offered no response and toured the isles of books. "Do you have any riddle books?" She asked after a few minutes of looking around. The lady nodded and shuffled toward a book shelf in the back of the library. "All of our rhymes, riddles and puzzles are over here," she said. "Show me a book of rhymes," Misty ordered abruptly. The lady hesitated, and then pulled out a thick black book. She paused before handing it to Misty. "Be careful with this. It's expensive." The lady looked reluctant at giving it to her, but Misty snatched it out of her hands. She left the book store without so much as a thank you. Harry lingered. "Thanks," he murmured to the lady, following after Misty.
#150114266Thursday, November 20, 2014 10:59 PM GMT

(Yes, Copper. @Everyone- I have a crapload of work to do for school before my Thanksgiving break - which starts next Wednesday - so I don't know how active I'll be this weekend. But you're welcome to continue without me, and I can jump back in whenever time permits.)
#150114430Thursday, November 20, 2014 11:02 PM GMT

(Shouldn't you appoint someone as admin? I nominate khione Meanwhile I'll be brainstorming a cs, a better one.)
#150115841Thursday, November 20, 2014 11:27 PM GMT

Frederik Voes, St Wales Dressed in at least an attempt to appear unlike a thug, Frederik moves on from the Coiners Corner with the grim and tainted streets with a style more accustomed to brawlers or industry workers to somewhere... Nicer, for a change. But, he keeps the silver band mark on because anywhere, whether a potential job or a fight, might arise. And at the very least, people will know who his if he dies. Unfortunately, this also means he has no idea about this district apart from a couple treks into it and what Piper has told him. So now, lost and really without a solid idea, he proceeds to wait outside a shop... Coincidentally, the store was named Coin Poche.
#150118287Friday, November 21, 2014 12:09 AM GMT

March shut the door to the storeroom and took in his bearings. The room could be more accurately described as a wide corridor with narrow bookshelves lining either wall of the corridor. Near the back of the room, March heard the faint muttering of one of the workers; a book fell on the ground, and the worker cursed. It was a curious word March had only ever heard in this world. March started gliding toward the back of the room where the noise had come from.
#150120406Friday, November 21, 2014 12:45 AM GMT

Frederik Voes, Coin Poche( Well termed name, Tai), St. Wales "This isn't getting nowhere..." Frederik sighs, and opens the door to the store to ask for directions. A passerby might do, but they might not be from around here. Better to ask a actual resident of the place. Hopefully he can spend his gambling wins on a good lunch.
#150121641Friday, November 21, 2014 1:03 AM GMT

(Haha, thank you.) "Bentley? Hello!" March called. He stumbled over some books as he made his way to the back of the room. Not quite sober yet. "Mr. White, I beg your pardon! But Hatter- oh." Alfred, the beastly brute, appeared before March and glowered at him, displaying utter dislike on his face. What prejudice! March trembled, and lowered his gaze. "Who let you back here?" Alfred barked. "Learn to read door signs, you illiterate drunk. The door read, 'Employees Only'." "Now, now, Alfred." Bentley appeared from behind one of the shelves with a stack of books in his hands and intervened between Alfred and March. As daring as ever. Yet March could clearly read the fear on Bentley's face, as if it were ink. Mr. White's heedlessness was a trait March had always envied him for. Why was it that rabbits were blessed with this attribute- yet not hares? It made no sense! But then again, what does make sense? Alfred looked from Bentley to March, then shouldered past them and withdrew from the storeroom. After an exchange of looks, the Wonderlanders followed suit.
#150123308Friday, November 21, 2014 1:28 AM GMT

Misty walked away from the library, opening the book of rhymes. The language it was written in was foreign to her. "Harry! That witch didn't bother to mention what language this book is in!" She yelled, her temper quickly flaring. "Calm down, Misty, it's just a book. I'm sure we can get somebody to translate it," Harry soothed. Misty sucked in a breath, staring down at the book with gibberish scribbled over it. She was hoping the book would comfort her in this new world. She vaguely remembered reading rhymes at her house. The thought was like a slippery fish that kept evading her grabs for it, and she soon lost the thought all together. Slamming the book shut, she sat down on the sidewalk with a sigh. Harry plopped down next to her. "I know what will make you feel better!" He exclaimed after a couple seconds. "All the residents have been talking about these canals filled with dark water." Misty nodded, silently walking with him towards the canal. The canal was a disappointment. It was filled with murky water, and odd cars that floated over it called boats. "Was this supposed to make me feel better?" Misty asked bitterly. Harry looked down at the water and frowned. "Sorry, I thought it'd be more grandiose than this," he replied. A minute of quietude passed between them as they looked down at the gloomy water. "I'm ready to go back home," Misty said wearily, breaking the silence. "Me too," Harry agreed.
#150123391Friday, November 21, 2014 1:29 AM GMT

Frederik Voes, Coin Poche, St. Wales Frederik, due to his personality, is already looking at many of the book titles in the front of the store. True, he has the muscle to match any thug or bruiser, but his mind is still that of a analyst.* *Don't get me wrong, he still prefers fights and gambling to books. He just looks at books and if they are about a topic he likes( mainly around the two mentioned earlier), he'll look at it for a bit.