#150179406Saturday, November 22, 2014 3:15 AM GMT

"Can I help you with anything?" Belle stood behind the street fighter, Frederick Voes, her lopsided glasses hanging loosely on the bridge of her nose, her arms supporting the weight of half a dozen books. She never seemed to be *without* a stack of books in her hand. She tapped her foot impatiently, for her arms were straining under the weight of the books.
#150179866Saturday, November 22, 2014 3:23 AM GMT

((I like this concept. Is it too late to submit a CS?))
#150179941Saturday, November 22, 2014 3:24 AM GMT

(Not at all.)
#150179995Saturday, November 22, 2014 3:25 AM GMT

(('Kay, I'm going to back-read since we're not many pages in.))
#150180009Saturday, November 22, 2014 3:25 AM GMT

Name: Francis May ★|Age:: 32 ★|Gender:: M ★|Faction::Nada. ★|Appearance:Usually in business, he is seen in a black, sleek suit with a blue stripped tie and dapper boots. At home he is mostly seen in a white t shirt.bhe has Brown, almost walnut color eyes, and dark, almost space black hair. Hi is hair style is swept back, and he has a fairly masculine structure. 7'9 in feet and one hundred and twenty pounds. His ears I slightly round, and a gaunt, yet roundish face. ★|Strengths:: Cooking, Business, fishing. ★|Weaknesses:: Engaging in social Activities and is vulgar sometimes. ★|Personality:: *I'm looking for characteristics, motives, values, etc. Mr. Francis is has ice cube type personality; Usually cold and vulgar but once you get to know him he is as bright as a flower. He used to be more jovial, however his childhood would be that of a poor one, and recent events including managing his restaurant only makes him grumpy. ★|Occupation:: *What were you hired to do in the city? A cook/owner of a restaurant ★|Biography:: *I'll be paying close attention to this. I expect some effort and detail. Mr. Francis may, Born on the July of the year Nineteen Hundred and Sixty Five, was born into a middle class family of 4 in a tiny town outside of Berlin. His father treated his children to secrets in nature, and during a famine he taught his children to fish and hunt. His father soon contracted cancer in 1975, and died. His mother was left in grief, and nonetheless his children grieved when he was buried in berlin. His mother taught him how to cook, but finacial troubles were upon the family. When the taxpayers were about to travel to the house, his mother packed everything they had and left for the United states, in order to finish schooling. He finished college in 1984 and stayed awhile in Chicago, making many friends and even owning a small time business. Once again, the taxpayers were after them. They packed bags once again and moved to New Wales. In 1999, His mother died. He gardened his mother and fathers will and eventually bought a small, abandoned diner and renovated it, buying neon lighting and old fashioned stools. He soon started making money, and lives in an apartment. ★|Other: Please tell me if there is anything wrong.
#150180024Saturday, November 22, 2014 3:25 AM GMT

Frederik Voes, Coin Poche, St. Wales "Ah, yes. I was just looking off." Frederik turns to her, less to get a look at her than to show he was paying attention. "I need instructions for restaurants, and I haven't been out of the Coiner Corner long enough to live up the rest of these damn districts. I suppose it was just a idiotic policy to divide it into districts like ghettos. So. I just need to know of a good restaurant." He explains, and as he awaits the response goes back to looking through the books. He also makes a small deal showing the silver band, in a small attempt of someone recognizing it.
#150181141Saturday, November 22, 2014 3:45 AM GMT

(Alright Bota. But do you mind sharing who your main account is? I've had some bad experiences with freshly-made alts trying to join my RPs.) Belle, unnoticing the silver band, paused to consider some restaurants for him to visit. She decided to set down the stack of books, grunting with the effort, and fixed her glasses on her nose. "Well," she puffed. "There is an Italian restaurant a couple blocks down from here called Tony's Casetta, and they have delightful spaghetti and pasta. I highly recommend it." As Belle said this, Alfred appeared behind her, and he, for one, noticed the silver band. Yet he said nothing, keeping his eyes locked on the visitor- cold and unwelcoming.
#150181316Saturday, November 22, 2014 3:48 AM GMT

(HOLA I REPOSTED ME CS AM I ACCEPTED no mean to be rude)
#150181605Saturday, November 22, 2014 3:52 AM GMT

(I'll just pretend you included the key word from the rules section in your CS, so yes, you're accepted. But also keep in mind that this city is isolated from society and not located on the map, for security and privacy purposes. Only those who are employed by the officials that renovated the city are admitted into it. Your biography gave me the impression that your family just decided to settle down in St. Wales on their own terms.)
#150181855Saturday, November 22, 2014 3:56 AM GMT

Frederik Voes, Coin Poche, St. Wales "Very much thanked. I would hire Piper, but..." Frederik waves of whatever he was saying, and puts a couple silver coins and paper bills on the books. Dipping his bowler, he looks behind her to Alfred. "The Silver Band... You noticed it, ah?" Frederik stops at the door, asking Alfred. After all, noticing a silver band isn't always the best answer... Especially when you have a cold look on your face.
#150181954Saturday, November 22, 2014 3:58 AM GMT

(On an unrelated note, it just hit me that I'm using NPCs more than Hatter. I need to get back to using him.)
#150182124Saturday, November 22, 2014 4:01 AM GMT

(Ok, thanks, ill make my post in a few minutes. The soviet union is deciding whether or not to blow up an unknown nation.)
#150182192Saturday, November 22, 2014 4:02 AM GMT

((I'm BOTA. I recently lost that acc.))
#150182719Saturday, November 22, 2014 4:10 AM GMT

Alfred paused and looked Frederick dead in the eyes. "They're a bunch of money-grabbers," he replied bluntly. "Deadbeats that taint this city that we try so hard to maintain. If you're involved with those wooden-heads, I would suggest leaving before they rob you of everything you ever actually cared about." Belle laid a hand on his taut arm and whispered something in his ear. Alfred flared his nostrils, but dipped his head in respects to what Belle told him, and turned and left. "I apologize for him," said Belle. "He's had a..." She paused as March and Mr. White passed her, offered their goodbyes, and left the building. Belle returned the farewell, then turned back to Frederick. "...a bad history with them," she finished. "About a year or so ago."
#150182835Saturday, November 22, 2014 4:13 AM GMT

(Alright, that's fine Bota. I just like to know why someone is on an alt when they express interest in one of my RPs.)
#150182906Saturday, November 22, 2014 4:14 AM GMT

(HERE I GOOOO) I sat in my chair, tired and bored. No customers today, even though the neon red OPEN sign was on, and flickering. Stupid thing needs to be fixed. I noticed one of my cooks cleaning the grill from my office. I put my foot on the desk, lighting a cuban ci.gar up. as I looked around, I spotted "The Communist Manifesto" How'd that get in my library? I looked for some more books and spotted "Alice in Wonderland" printed in a thin, gold lettering. I put my foot down and grabbed the book, then put my foot back on the desk, reading it. (Much refrence also would anyone like to come to my place and eat)
#150183242Saturday, November 22, 2014 4:20 AM GMT

Frederik Voes, Coin Poche, St. Wales "A bad history, ah? That probably counts why some got drunk and ended up one dying. It also explains why I had to stop them all from drinking on the job outright. Damnit idiots only take either a whip to handle, when I founded them all." Frederik knowingly confuses to founding the Silver Band. "But let him know, he brings his mouth around again, I will bring my fists. The Silver Bands protect the Coiners Corner, and if he wants to tarnish our name, he can do so as we beat his bleedy ugly mouth to a pulp." Frederik warns her, as he tips his hat again and walks out. But right before he closes the door... "If you need a hand or muscle, I will be happy to oblige." And that, he's gone. *The Silver Band is the protectors of the Coiners Corner, and essentially the law. Voes, their founder and residential fighting champ, keeps it all under a handle of skilled gambling, the loyalties of key members, and his fists.
#150184424Saturday, November 22, 2014 4:39 AM GMT

(Ah, okay. Thanks for that clearing up, TNT.) Belle cupped a hand over her mouth as the "Silver Bandit", as Alfred liked to call them, threatened her husband. Yet she said nothing, and did nothing. She watched him leave until he disappeared from her view through the storefront window, and then resumed her work tidying up the shop. Quite an adventure.
#150184573Saturday, November 22, 2014 4:41 AM GMT

(So, I'll just be alone, reading the Communist Manifesto. Cool. jk.)
#150184988Saturday, November 22, 2014 4:48 AM GMT

((By the way, is it reasonable to say that the family members of a character also ended up in St. Wales with them? It's a bit important to my character's bio, though I don't plan to have her family show up much either way.))
#150185555Saturday, November 22, 2014 4:57 AM GMT

((I'll just assume yes since TBH I'm kind of worried I'll mess up this CS if I save it with an unfinished bio. Please tell me if I need to change anything.)) ★|Name:: Lillian Blaker-Pallini. ★|Alias:: Little Bo Peep. ★|Lore:: The "Little Bo Peep" nursery rhyme. ★|Age:: 19. ★|Gender:: Female. ★|Faction:: None; at least not yet. ★|Appearance:: Lillian is pretty short, standing at only about 5'4. She's also slightly pudgy, but it is not a very noticeable quality. Her face is almost doll-like -- her cheeks have a light rosy tint, while her face is round in shape. Additionally, she has thin lips and a small nose. She possesses round eyes with soft blue irises. Her hair is light brown and wavy, reaching down to a few inches beneath her shoulders. Lillian is a big fan of pastel clothing, but ever since she's been in St. Wales, she's tried to tone it down. She typically wears sweatshirts and baggy pants with pale colors, though on special occasions, will wear an old-fashioned white and blue dress. She often wears black wedges with a buckle near the top as well. On sunny days, she sometimes wears a tan sunhat. ★|Strengths:: Able to look at things from a logical stand-point, determined, nimble. ★|Weaknesses:: Not very strong physically, opinions can be easily swayed, can come off as childish when put in a stressful situation. ★|Esper:: Herder. ★|Esper Appearance:: For the most part, he looks like a typical sheep dog, but he has triangular ears and a curled tail, as well as a faintly longer muzzle. Additionally, he is fairly small. ★|Fantasy:: Creature Charmer. ★|Fantasy Description:: Lillian is able to calm animals whenever she concentrates on using this power, especially if the being is already domesticated. The ability appears to be more effective when Lillian is carrying her old shepherd's crook with her, though she rarely is. ★|Weapon:: None; she doesn't really see a point to having one. ★|Personality:: Lillian typically tries to compromise with others and find the middle ground; she'll try to please people to the best of her ability, but isn't extremely willing to do so if the person threatens or bothers her in some way. She's also rather curious, wanting to know more about the world in general. However, in stressful situations, Lillian can show a childish, fussy side. While she tends to be loyal to people, she shows signs of being fickle with opinions and perceptions. When asked to lay such things down at the table (so to speak), she will likely try to change the subject. Lillian also hopes to eventually become noticeable and gain power in some way. While she plans to do this in a humble and fair manner, it may make her somewhat...corruptible. She has never really felt as though she's had control over many things, up until this point in her life anyway. ★|Biography:: Lillian was born to a family of farmers living in a rural area. They owned a lot of land, but overall, weren't very wealthy and sometimes found it hard to support their family of five -- Lillian being the youngest child. At the age of around ten, she was given the role of a sheperd. It was a fairly easy job -- make sure the flock do not run off or get hurt so the family can use them for money and clothing. Lillian's childhood was, in a way, simple, but she found it...boring, at times. She had heard a lot about kings and queens from other children, and soon began to dream of how great such an important, luxurious lifestyle would be. This caused her to stray from her responsibilities a bit. One day, a fair amount of the flock were injured when she was distracted, leading to a reprimanding from her parents. In her teen years by this point and feeling a bit unsure of herself, a trait that she still seems to possess, she began to long for something new even more. Then came the London incident. Lillian could not remember how she ended up there, but the whole thing seemed so...different. She was away from the house when it happened, and she ended up in the middle of a city that the inhabitants called "London." She was extremely curious, wanting to know more about the place, though at the same time, she was hesitant. She was shocked to discover all of the "futuristic" technology, as well as the fact that there were many ways to become noteworthy here -- one didn't have to be a king or queen, they could simply be exceptional at something. Lillian tried showing off her talents, but not many people seemed to have a desire to pay attention to the confused, oddly-dressed girl, many believing her "Creature Charmer" ability didn't even exist. She started to become a bit frustrated, but figured it would be best to practice patience. Eventually, however, men showed up, ordering her to leave the place and move somewhere else. Lillian decided it would be best not to argue -- her family would still be with her, after all, and the place did sound a bit nice. Besides, she didn't plan on going home. ★|Other: Wonderland.
#150185605Saturday, November 22, 2014 4:58 AM GMT

#150185767Saturday, November 22, 2014 5:00 AM GMT

((Dear god that's a wall. I had no idea it was that huge when I was about to post it...))
#150185904Saturday, November 22, 2014 5:03 AM GMT

(Nicely done. Accepted. And yes, her family can be with her if it's necessary for her character.)
#150185971Saturday, November 22, 2014 5:04 AM GMT

(What time/what's the weather? I'll leave my res to go to my apartment depending on the time.)