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#190726186Wednesday, June 08, 2016 3:32 PM GMT

(Okay, I forgot a few important things about this RP. Did you say there would or there would not be lolis?) Food is food, doesn't matter what time you eat it. Not to me at least. I head to the lunch place next door and, once inside, start to look over the menu to decide what kind of lunch food I want for breakfast.
#190734966Wednesday, June 08, 2016 6:02 PM GMT

(Probably not, no.) You step over to the place next door, taking a seat at one of the empty stool in front of the counter. As for food, they've got a little bread tray with some pastries on it. Danishes, Croissants and the like. The chalkboard menu just above you has the usual affair, mostly fish, a lot of sandwiches. Some overlap with the fish sandwiches. Special of the Day is Cod on Toast apparently. More tuna dishes, and the tunas cheaper today. Must be in surplus or something.
#190735768Wednesday, June 08, 2016 6:14 PM GMT

(I can't tell you how many times that phrase has hurt me. Can I have lolis? "Probably not, no." Could you loan me a pencil? "Probably not, no." Can I turn in this assignment a bit late? I have a lot of other stuff going on. "Probably not, no." Hey, wanna hang out as friends? "Probably not, no." Hey, will you go out with me? "Probably not, no." Excuse me, could I sit with you? I have a lot of problems right now and I don't think I can handle them by myself. I really need someone just to listen to my troubles for awhile before I begin breaking down physically and mentally from bottling it all up and only letting it out through my tears and blood, so could I just talk to you for awhile? "Probably not, no." I hate myself.) I don't think I've ever met someone in Izuru who doesn't like fish. It's the most plentiful food here, so most people grow up eating it. The fish here isn't so bad, so there's not much of a reason to have a distaste for it. Since there's a special today, I might as well try it. "Cod on toast and a cup of coffee, please," I order.
#190736904Wednesday, June 08, 2016 6:31 PM GMT

(Woah uh, I'm sorry.) The man working at the grill nods over his shoulder, and kneels, drawing out a wax-paper from a cooler below the counter. He unwraps the paper and sets the squarish chunk of fish onto the grill, along with a pair of bread slices from a nearby breadbox. A coffee machine is already churning away nearby.
#190737382Wednesday, June 08, 2016 6:39 PM GMT

I look at the menu to see what the price of the two items I ordered is. Once I've done that, I start to get the payment ready as I wait for my sandwich and coffee to be finished and ready for my consumption. I think I'll just have my meal here instead of taking it to go.
#191030692Sunday, June 12, 2016 5:15 PM GMT

Between the special and the coffee, it's about 4 Yen and some change. After a few minutes the coffee maker buzzes, and a women steps around through a doorway to the back and starts pouring cups. The man lifts something off the grill and onto a plate. It's not the tuna you assume was yours, though he does flip it over, same with the bread, now toast. The woman sets one of the mugs of coffee in front of you, going down the counter with a tray of the things. (It's worth note that the place is roughly the same size as your office. SO the counter's about four meters long, with an extra few feet where a drop-door sits. The counter is in about 3 meters from the open facade of the building, with a pair of tables and chairs on both sides. There's about 2 meters of clearance between the counter and the gril, which is on level with the rest of the appliances. The doorway the woman came through presumably leads to the back.)
#191113703Monday, June 13, 2016 7:08 PM GMT

(I don't fully understand your post, particularly in regards to whether a sandwich is done. I think you're elongating a droll and banal scene for no good reason because I'm assuming my character didn't get his food yet. Am I correct in thinking my character currently has coffee but no food at the moment?)
#191128659Monday, June 13, 2016 10:50 PM GMT

(Yes, your meal is still on the grill. There are other people dining.)
#191128818Monday, June 13, 2016 10:52 PM GMT

(Not sure why you'd waste a post by giving me nothing to do.) I sip my coffee and wait for my food.
#191614831Monday, June 20, 2016 4:22 PM GMT

(I just realized I called it Tuna a post ago, whoops) Eventually, the cook pries the cod from the grill, setting it onto the toast, which had already been set aside onto a plate. He draws a slice of lettuce, and a tomato slice from a nearby cooler, and stacks them onto the cod, before flipping on the topmost piece of toast. He sets the plate in front of you and sets about tending another order. The women inspects your meal, and taps the register screen a few times. She turns to you and states the price, which you had already worked out to a penny.
#191795208Wednesday, June 22, 2016 10:09 PM GMT

I pay for the meal and collect my items as I head over to an empty table to eat. Once I've finished my food, I head back to my office to lay around and relax for awhile as I wait for my initial payment to come through.

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