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#188588074Wednesday, May 04, 2016 10:10 PM GMT

Name: Hattori Aisaka Age: 28 Gender: Male Occupation: Private Detective Appearance: Hattori is an Eastern man standing at 5'10, with a strong build that you'd be more likely to find on a younger lad who still has the vitality of youth and the will to work out trapped within his heart. His face and hair tell a different story, yet a very conflicted story. His white hair makes him look older than his face would lead you to believe. Only a few wrinkles can be found in his face, they're like needles in a haystack of scars that dot his face. Most of the scars are rather small, but noticeable nonetheless. Hattori's eyes are, perhaps, what stick out most about him. He has carmine-colored eyes, like dried blood. Darkness is around his eyes, making the redness of them more prominent. At times, when staring into Hattori's' eyes, it seems that the red in them is flowing and moving about. Certainly unnerving to many people who find themselves eye-to-eye with Hattori. Often times, this strangeness about his eyes leads people to breaking eye-contact with him and re-establishing it once they've recovered their wits. Perhaps these eyes are a result of his HUD-chip's overlay tampering with his eyes, or perhaps they're a sign of Lucy coming to visit him soon. Hattori's hair is naturally white and always has been. He's had the sides and back of his head buzzed in an undercut style, leaving a rather full amount of hair at the top and front of his head and minimal hair at the sides (beginning roughly where his head begins to curve) and back of his head. A very light amount of white stubble is growing on Hattori's mildly-tanned face. Hattori is garbed in shades of black and white. He wears a long-sleeve, white, collared shirt that looks rough, crinkled, and wrinkled. In fact, the white of this shirt looks like its creeping into the color grey. Over this is a a black waistcoat of sorts, with only the middle two buttons done. And then, over this, is a dark grey, nearly black, coat with slightly darker pinstripes. This coat is worn with all buttons undone, and its bottom reaches down to the waist, then a little bit further. The left sleeve of the coat is rolled up to the center of his forearm, revealing part of his prosthetic arm. A pair of plain-looking, slightly loose pants the same color as his coat are worn, along with a pair of black tennis shoes that've been weathered and worn over the years. His left arm is no longer human, having been replaced by a red prosthetic with a black trim and segmented fingers. The arm has a ball-joint at the wrist, giving the hand of it the regular range of movement seen by normal humans hands. The arm lacks any feature to make it look more human and less prominent. It doesn't have the sleekness of more high-end augmentations and looks far more metallic as a result. Augmentation: Arm Augmentation - Magnetic Perks: Come Fly With Me & Of Steel and Lead Location: Izuru Biography: Born and raised on the Eastern side of the Wall of Lights. Hattori is a native to Izuru and has never ventured away from the kingdom. His parents were a part of Izuru's middle class and Hattori received a decent-enough education. Though Hattori made it through high school, there wasn't enough money around for him to both move out of his parents' home and receive a college education. For a brief amount of time, Hattori worked as a bartender, often sleeping at the bar to be away from his family. His time in this occupation was short-lived, as he soon overheard of an underground fight club. He was quick to decide that being around the smell of blood and sweat would be more fulfilling and entertaining than being around the smell of drink and tears. Hattori found himself to be a natural fighter, though he improved his ability through artificial means, namely by replacing his left arm with one of metal. As he fought on, more people began to bet their money on him, and more money ended up in his wallet a result. Soon, he had the finances to buy an apartment and quit his job as a bartender. Like bartending, fighting soon lost its fun. Hattori wanted to do something more interesting in his life. He found inspiration in the comic books he read, and decided to mimic a favorite hero of his by trying to work as a private detective. For a time after his decision, he continued to fight until he had the money he needed. He bought an office just off the side of one of Izuru's waterways, then opened up for business after mounting a red neon sign at the front of his office that reads "Hattori's Detective Services." His first clients came in, not because of his prowess in the job, but because of his cheap rates. With no education or experience, Hattori relied on his intuition to solve his first several cases. He was sloppy, clumsy, and slow at first. But as time went on, his ability grew, as did the amount he charged people to hire him. Some years later, Hattori still owns the same shabby office that's in need of some renovating. Though, his business is fairly prosperous nonetheless, and he makes enough money for food, shelter, and a few things in the way of luxury. He works alone at the moment, but may need to hire some people in the future to help with keeping things clean and papers filed around his office. Or maybe he just needs a bit of company to liven the place up. ----- You awaken from a short nap in your office. The computer at your desk has switched to it's screensaver. Factory default still, actually. White numbers display the time over a black background. 9:31 PM
#188588531Wednesday, May 04, 2016 10:18 PM GMT

I'll fix my sleeping schedule one of these days. I shouldn't be taking naps around this time. Not that I have any official working hours I need to be abiding by, though. Slowly, I pull my legs down from my desk and sit up in my chair, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes. Having woken myself up, I press the spacebar on my computer's keyboard and check my email to see if anybody has contacted me with a case they'd like solved in the near-future.
#188590708Wednesday, May 04, 2016 10:54 PM GMT

The screen comes to life, and you open up your emails. One is marked as unread. [email protected] Subject: Investigation Assistance This is Andrew Motodori, with the Kinomi District Constabulary. I'd like to arrange a conference, at earliest convenience. Please respond with available times.
#188600499Thursday, May 05, 2016 1:27 AM GMT

Someone from a Constabulary? Usually I just get contacted by regular citizens who are upset with the work of federally-owned detectives. I wonder what this man wants with me. Hopefully it isn't an attempt to harm my business. >reply I am open from 12AM to 11PM every day except for Sunday. Be sure to knock very loudly on the door in case I'm asleep. >send I'm open to work 24 hours a day. It's the only way I can reliably get people into my office, which I need to do in order to continue to eat. I'd work seven days a week, but I'm not confident in my body and mind's ability to handle that. I should really get some helpers around here some day. Having sent the email, I get up from my desk and take a short look around my office to see what I have in my ownership.
#188604607Thursday, May 05, 2016 2:35 AM GMT

You stroll the length of your office, not difficult of course, as the thing is only about 110 sq feet. It does you well though, and there's a food kiosk next door, so the place always seems to smell like carnitas. Your desk is at the far end from the door, putting your back against the wall. There's a pair of filing cabinets for physical documents, but they're mostly empty at the moment. There's a cabinet with some shelves, though they too are mostly empty, save for a few books on the middle shelf. You told yourself you'd read Lord of the Flies when you'd bought it, but it's been a month and you'd only gotten a chapter in before getting distracted by some work. The left side of the room from the door is mostly dominated by the small staircase leading up to your apartment overhead. The door sits on the right side of the outer wall, next to a small window. Just left of the door is a small bathroom under the stairs. Beneath your desk, clinging to its underside, is your handgun. Small piece, 9mm, comfortable to carry in an underarm holster. Simple stuff.
#188607455Thursday, May 05, 2016 3:25 AM GMT

Well, I don't have very much to do right now. I just woke up from my nap, so I won't be able to get to sleep very soon. I pull Lord of the Flies from the middle shelf and walk over to my lonely desk, taking a seat in my chair and beginning to read until I get some kind of reply to my email, or a knock on my door.
#188608245Thursday, May 05, 2016 3:43 AM GMT

You have a seat and set into the book. The book picks up quite a bit actually, as you near chapter six. You reckon that if you were present, you'd give Jack a solid pop in the mouth, even if he is only like, twelve. You're shaken from the book by a pair of knocks at the door.
#188608529Thursday, May 05, 2016 3:51 AM GMT

I think the fat kid is going to die. I fold the top of the page I'm on and set the book down on my desk. The door's locked right now, since I always lock my door when I'm sleeping or napping. I stand up from my desk and walk over to answer the door.
#188620274Thursday, May 05, 2016 2:45 PM GMT

You check the time as you walk to the door. It's been just over an hour, nearing 11 PM. The tram to Kinomi is about an hours ride, so that makes sense. Still, they must be in a hurry. You open the door to find a man roundabout your height, with a wide-ish face and auburn hair. He's wearing a brown wool coat over a slightly rumpled-looking collared shirt with a tie, as well as a pair of dark grey slacks and a cheap pair of leather shoes. He draws a wallet from an inner pocket on his coat, displaying his badge. "Sergeant Andrew Motodori, sorry about the hour." (I laughed harder than I should've at that. RIP Piggy 19XX-19XX)
#188627610Thursday, May 05, 2016 7:07 PM GMT

Seems like he came alone. Judging by his rumpled clothes and need to display his badge, he's probably been working late on official business. Since he doesn't have a warrant or visible backup of any kind, he's probably not here to arrest me for something. I nod to the Sergeant and turn, gesturing for him to follow me as I walk to my desk and take a seat, pushing the book aside and out of the way. "Why are we having this conversation?" I ask, trying to get straight to the point.
#188631381Thursday, May 05, 2016 8:20 PM GMT

Well, it is almost midnight after all. He seats himself at one of the small chair in front of your desk. "We don't have the manpower to deal with the influx of new cases lately, and the handful of P.I.s in Kinomi don't want to take on state work. So, we're reaching out to the neighbors."
#188634937Thursday, May 05, 2016 9:25 PM GMT

Influx of new cases? Must be some new gang going around, or a very determined serial killer. I'm not surprised that the private detectives around Kinomi aren't keen on working for the state. I'm not too enthused by it either. For a moment, I think about telling this man to get out and bring his badge with him. Then, I look around at the state of my office. I can't really turn down an opportunity to make money if it falls within my skillset. "How much are you offering?"
#188635660Thursday, May 05, 2016 9:37 PM GMT

"Your standard rate, plus half. Desperate times and all." (No clue how much you actually charge, you never mentioned.)
#188649642Friday, May 06, 2016 1:39 AM GMT

"My rate depends on what kind of case you're planning to push onto me," I tell the man, "murders cost more than burglaries, which cost more than traffic incidents in the public waterways, and so on."
#188651814Friday, May 06, 2016 2:19 AM GMT

#188676733Friday, May 06, 2016 6:50 PM GMT

He rubs one of his tired eyelids with a thumb, placing the rest of his hand under his nose, obscuring his mouth. "Murder most foul. Possibly several, if we find a connection."
#188687764Friday, May 06, 2016 10:21 PM GMT

(I always forget to come up with a name for the currency system. I hope you don't mind me just using dollars. If you're not fine with that, then you can tell me what you want the currency to be called and I'll move to that from now on.) One murder, possibly several. I charge based on the initial body count. But, I also charged based on who's been killed. Homeless people aren't worth as much as government-issues, regardless of how morbid, macabre, or insensitive that may sound. "Who was the murder victim? Anyone important?
#188696769Saturday, May 07, 2016 1:04 AM GMT

(I was just going to call them Yen.) "Not particularly. Owned a book store, 'bout the size of this office, lots of dime-novels."
#188696882Saturday, May 07, 2016 1:05 AM GMT

(Okay, that's fine. Do you want a basic 1 Yen = 1 USD type currency system, or a more accurate 100 yen = 1 USD system?)
#188746543Saturday, May 07, 2016 8:08 PM GMT

(Just 1:1)
#188746779Saturday, May 07, 2016 8:12 PM GMT

"Upfront cost is 60 Yen, another 90 when the job's done. I'm including the extra half you're offering in that number," I inform the man, before waiting for him to give me the first payment.
#188748053Saturday, May 07, 2016 8:33 PM GMT

(I just spent 5 minutes trying to do the head math for 1.5 x 150, and them splitting that additional 75 between the two payments. THEN realized you had already included the half -_-) "That's do-able." He draws a notebook out of a pocket, with an accompanying pen. "Just put down your account number, the 60 will be wired by the morning."
#188748908Saturday, May 07, 2016 8:47 PM GMT

(i'm sorry that had to happen to you) I jot down my account number and sign my name next to it. "I'll start working in the morning when I see I have the money, then. Did your people take the body away from the crime scene already?"
#188749877Saturday, May 07, 2016 9:03 PM GMT

"They have. Coroner's report is already in."
#188750109Saturday, May 07, 2016 9:07 PM GMT

"I'll need to have a look at that report," I say. Looks like they have enough men to collect a body, but not enough to figure out what caused the body to stop moving. "Have you collected all the evidence from the crime scene too?"

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