#189899885Saturday, May 28, 2016 4:27 PM GMT

FORCE UPGRADES -(Chaos Tier I) Force Electricity: You've only scratched the surface of the Force, and why not turn to the Dark Side? This power gives you the ability to use Force Lightning, which can arc from enemy to enemy. Beware the limited amount of people it can arc to- three others, including the first victim- and that you cannot control who it arcs to; even your allies are vulnerable to your attack. Best used in close quarters and when you're really backed into a corner. -(Control Tier I) Natural Leader: Normally, a Force mind trick will turn your victim into a walking robot, and sometimes this can be funny, but most of the time it'll give away the idea that s/he has been controlled. With a little bit of power from above, however, your victims will not seem so robotic any more, and will look as if they weren't possessed in the first place. Beware that you still have to perform the trick in front of them, so if they have a buddy and see your gestures they will grow suspicious anyways. -(Martial Tier I) Force Push/Pull: A common trick taught to Jedi, the ability to grab and push or pull something away from you is a must-have for someone who wants to keep versatile. Be aware that you cannot "move" objects, just push them away from you or towards you. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The girl shook her head at you, seemingly irked by your question. "I don't have an adult, and I don't need one. I'm sixteen years old, and I can take care of myself!" She responded irritatedly. Meanwhile, you saw that outside those two monkeys had gotten into their police cruiser, ONLY TO SMASH IT INTO A LIGHT POLE OUTSIDE THE PARKING LOT. They both sat there in their seats as if they were simply statues- as if that wasn't suspicious at all.
#189959821Sunday, May 29, 2016 5:28 AM GMT

(So, I guess now is a good time to ask. Will I be able to form a harem with Haruhi, Ui, Taiga, and the lolis?) +Martial Tier I Sixteen? She certainly doesn't look her age. Regardless, sixteen year olds shouldn't be roaming around on their own. How can she even pay for her house and food by herself? I can't leave her by herself, she's too cute. "Well, listen-" I start, breaking off when I hear the cops crash into a light pole. Oops. I shake my head, then look back at the girl. "If you don't have a place to stay, you could stay with me and my friend there," I say, pointing at Haruhi, "we're going to find a place to buy after we eat."
#190019189Sunday, May 29, 2016 10:23 PM GMT

(Maybe.) NEW UPGRADES UNLOCKED -(Martial Tier II) Saber Throw: What if your foe has no -(Martial Tier II) Light Telekinesis: Building upon your abilities to push and pull an object small enough to manipulate, this power does exactly what it implies- it gives you full control over where something will be sent flying- of course, to an extent. You still won't be able to lift heavier objects- such as cars- and you can only manipulate objects that are a certain distance from you- at the furthest, from one end from a small bedroom to another. -(Martial Tier II) Force Repulse: An unstable ability, yet extremely powerful when used properly. Channel your inner Force to release it into a shockwave around you, knocking away nearby foes. The radius and power varies depending upon your scenario, and its inconsistency makes it an unreliable power. Still, if you're in a pinch and surrounded this will be a great aid to you. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "...And how do I know you won't just abduct me and try to leave my dead body in a ditch?" She asked with a hint of suspicion in her voice. Meanwhile, when you pointed you could see Haruhi trying to grab the food tray- jeez, your burger was huge whilst her salad was small! "Or do some sort of trick to me like those-" She began to add about your Force mind trick, but the girl was interrupted as the two fools suddenly slumped down in their seats, the driver's noggin landing on the wheel to cause his cruiser to begin beeping loudly. Probably not something that's inconspicuous. "Two in the police car? You might try to fry my brain and turn me into your own slave, for all I know!"
#190041735Monday, May 30, 2016 3:21 AM GMT

(I think your saber throw description is incomplete.) I glance over at Haruhi and the food. Maybe I should share my burger with her. That salad doesn't look like enough. I turn back to the blonde girl. "You don't have to come with us if you don't want to," I say with a shrug, "you can just keep going around by yourself."
#190073691Monday, May 30, 2016 4:03 PM GMT

(Oh, dear. And my description beginning is garbage too.) -(Martial Tier II) Saber Throw: What if you're going up against what seems to be an endless column of soldiers? What if your blaster just won't "cut" it, but your foes are out of Lightsaber reach? Well, that's where the art of throwing the Lightsaber comes in- hurl your melee weapon as a boomerang to make it a deady ranged tool, slicing through multiple enemies before swinging back towards you. Beware that it is limited in terms of range, and you won't have your Lightsaber on you while you toss it (duh). Otherwise, good for cutting through hordes.
#190076047Monday, May 30, 2016 4:25 PM GMT

(Aaand forgot the actual post. Whoops.) The girl glared at you, staying silent just before Haruhi came over. "Hey, who are you?" Your partner asked the unnamed female, and asked the same thing that had been on your mind. "And where's your parents?" Haruhi inquired. At this, the girl seemed to fume angrily at this, and glared at Haruhi. "...WHY does everyone think I'm a little girl?!?!" She practically yelled, nabbing a few glances from other diners. The hits just keep on coming, huh?
#190117580Tuesday, May 31, 2016 12:35 AM GMT

It's probably because she looks like a little girl. Youthful, cute, and... short, maybe. She isn't standing so I can't tell for sure, but from here she looks teeny-tiny, even compared to me. "Hey Haruhi, let's sit with her," I suggest, looking over at the sixteen year old who can take care of herself, "is that okay with you?"
#190201712Wednesday, June 01, 2016 1:48 AM GMT

The girl sighed in what seemed to be frustration. "Fine. But don't expect me to be all 'at your service, master'..." The girl retorted to you, and Haruhi stared at her for a few moments. You couldn't tell what was on her mind, but whatever. Meanwhile, the two stooges had finally decided that smacking their heads on the interior wasn't so smart, and had gotten out of the car... Only to slip and fall onto the ground. Dear lord.
#190205799Wednesday, June 01, 2016 2:39 AM GMT

At least she's letting us sit with her. That's a good sign, I think. I smile and take a seat at the girl's table, shortly before glancing out the window to look at the two cops. Maybe any onlookers will just pass that all off as them being drunk. "You can have some of my burger if you want," I tell Haruhi as I take a bite from my food.
#190237038Wednesday, June 01, 2016 5:14 PM GMT

"I'll pass on that," Haruhi replied, looking outside the window. "Besides, I think we have bigger problems. We should probably move," The girl told you, tapping your shoulder. Outside, those two idiots were now seemingly talking to another pair of policemen, and the fresh set was glancing towards the restaurant. Maybe you should have gotten your food to go...
#190269582Thursday, June 02, 2016 1:04 AM GMT

Oh. There's never a calm moment that wants to gently float and settle near me here. I'll just have to force a moment of peace, no matter who or what conspires against me. Everybody, even me, deserves a break. "No... I'm not done eating and I'm on my break," I say, taking another note and looking longfully at Haruhi. "Are you sure you don't want any?" I ask her.
#190328945Friday, June 03, 2016 1:09 AM GMT

"No thanks, I'm fine," Haruhi replied, albeit you thought you spotted her sneaking one more glance at your burger. Oh well. ...Meanwhile, the smaller girl continued making a face at you. Obviously she didn't seem to happy that you had invited yourself to her table. As for the people around you? Back to eating, as if you two hadn't just spoken to two police officers who were now milling around the restaurant like patrol drones. [They must get a lot of these crazy things in their city,] The friendlier voice thought to you. He seemed to have something more, as he began to speak just before the younger girl inadvertently cut him off. "So, I'm guessing you've brainwashed her, too?" She inquired, hints of suspicion creeping more and more into her words. Great first impressions.
#190329457Friday, June 03, 2016 1:16 AM GMT

How rude of her. I really don't like her using the term "brainwashing." It makes my little trick sound worse than it actually is. "No, she's my traveling companion. We help each other," I say, before quickly adding, "out of our own free will."
#190360584Friday, June 03, 2016 3:33 PM GMT

"He's not lying," Haruhi chimed in for you, trying to help out. "Do I look 'brainwashed' to you?" She added, but the little girl wouldn't buy it. She furrowed her brows and wrinkled her nose at Haruhi. "How do I know that he has complete control over you, and he just had the other officers act that way?" Was the retort from the "sixteen year old", and she shot a look at the two jokers outside. Meanwhile, the fresher pair of officers had just come into the restaurant, indicated by the ringing chime hanging on the door. This pair seemed like they meant business- no nonsense, poker-faced, almost as if they were emotionless. The duo headed towards the other side of the diner, thankfully, but it seemed like they were beginning to interrogate the patrons of this place. You were at the back end, so it would give you a little bit of time to decide what to do now...
#190364820Friday, June 03, 2016 4:58 PM GMT

"You don't. If you're so worked up about it, you can stay here and talk to those nice officers and then be alone again when they have all the info they want," I say, glancing briefly at the new officers. I'm not about to let them spoil my meal. I take another bite from my burger, then look up at the young girl. "Want some?" I ask, holding out the burger to her.
#190401767Saturday, June 04, 2016 2:20 AM GMT

(I'm just done with the RP subforum, with such bullcrap sweet talk being said right in front of me. I'm taking a leave of absence- maybe I'll return, maybe I won't; at this point, probably not. For now, I'm just going to pull out.)
#190403371Saturday, June 04, 2016 2:45 AM GMT

I'm sorry I wasn't able to keep you entertained and invested in this RP enough to want to keep it going regardless of external forces. It's okay to hate me for making you lose interest. I hate me, too.
#190403698Saturday, June 04, 2016 2:50 AM GMT

(It's not you- you're probably one of the nicer and better RPers- but more of everyone else. I feel like my writing is too garbage to everyone else. Why bother making something when what everyone else does is spit on it and simply flat-out say it sucks? At least the other RPers respect you- everything I say or do is garbage to everyone. I'm nothing compared to you. Nothing.)
#190404303Saturday, June 04, 2016 3:00 AM GMT

It's okay, I know how you feel. I feel like garbage compared to every couple I pass on the street and every student I pass in school. I always compare myself to other people which I think is a bad idea because I'll always see myself as inferior because I hate myself. I don't think your writing is garbage, if that's any consolation. I don't think it is. I also don't think other RPers respect me because I haven't done anything to be worth their respect. But if you want to leave, I can't stop you. Oh, I have some consolation for you. Just yesterday, I abandoned a 200-page ISRP and told the DM one of my reasons for doing so is because this RP is great and better.
#190404405Saturday, June 04, 2016 3:01 AM GMT

(Z0rrow, sorry to invade this RP, but I found why he is taking a break. He is admitting that he is garbage.) Make PMing Great Again!
#191274627Thursday, June 16, 2016 12:22 AM GMT

("I live... I LIVE! If only to die another day..." -Nero Blackstone) (And as a side note, I don't know if it's a good choice for you to invest into my writing. I'm just not that good compared to other RPers on the block- I'm just a lowly grunt who joined half a year ago... "You've seen my work... It speaks for itself." -Spectre) "...No thanks. I'd rather not be taken into an alleyway with those corrupted bastards!" The girl snapped back at you, shaking her head at you. "And no, I'd rather not have your burger and catch some disease that you might have," She added in response to your questioning. Regardless, she began to seemingly keep tabs on the officers, whose footsteps grew closer by the sounds of it. Haruhi raised an eyebrow worriedly at you, but she asked anyways. "So, we're going to stay here? What, try to fake an act?" She suggested nervously, although when she glanced back at the cops the girl quickly looked back at her food and tried to eat. Seems like she was forcing herself to eat as to not look conspicuous.
#191275777Thursday, June 16, 2016 12:42 AM GMT

(It's okay, I don't invest in anything because the stock market is rigged by the corporate fatcats. I'm happy you're back.) Catch a disease? I don't have any diseases. I don't think I do. Maybe she'd catch some alien germs from me? She could always just bite from the uneaten end. Well, whatever, it's her choice. Though, by her size, I think she could really use a burger or two. "We're just staying here. We'll look more suspicious if we leave, anyway," I tell Haruhi before looking at the blonde girl. "So, what's your name?"
#191279409Thursday, June 16, 2016 1:40 AM GMT

The girl rolled her eyes at your questioning. She was probably wondering who the heck you were, and why you were trying to make small talk with her. She still accepted it, though. "Since I seem to be coming along with you, my name is Taiga, for your information," She replied. Why she said the first part of her statement, you had no clue. Either way, Haruhi instinctively glanced behind her once more and whispered to you as she looked back to her food. "They're near the door. We can still leave," She offered tentatively. She kept her head straight, however, as she tried to look "normal". Then again, what the heck WAS normal in this city? It was a new world, after all...
#191280307Thursday, June 16, 2016 1:56 AM GMT

What a cute name. Has she finally agreed to come with us? I didn't think she would, I wonder what made her change her mind. Maybe the cops. Probably the cops. "Well, I'm Adam," I say, perking up my ears as Haruhi whispers to me. "But I'm not done eating yet," I tell her once she's finished talking, "I doubt they'll bother us anyway."
#191391711Friday, June 17, 2016 6:58 PM GMT

(Don't forget to bump this just in case I forget, pl0xxxx...) Haruhi seemingly chewed something not a part of her salad- her lip, to be exact- for a few moments, then nodded at your decision. "You woke me up, so I'll stick with you," she told you, taking another bite out of her salad. Meanwhile, outside a swarm of police cars- at least, so you assumed, since they were identical to the vehicles the guards had earlier- sped by, with blue and red lights flashing rapidly on their roofs.