#191394439Friday, June 17, 2016 7:38 PM GMT

(Yessir sorry sir) I wonder where those cars are headed. They don't seem to be interested in stopping here. Maybe they found the other heisters and are hurrying to catch them. I nod to Haruhu and finish up the rest of my burger. "Okay, I'm ready to get going if you two are."
#191412032Friday, June 17, 2016 11:50 PM GMT

"Well, since I have nothing else to do, why not?" Taiga responded, rolling her eyes sarcastically. Haruhi remained silent, and took one last bite of her salad before pushing it towards the middle of the table. "Done," Haruhi told you as she began to stand up, but stopped when she saw that the two officers were standing RIGHT AT YOUR TABLE. "Good mornin', folks," The taller policeman said, having a thick accent in his voice. It made him seem like he was talking through molasses or something- probably matched his thick armor that he was currently wearing over his black uniform. You could also see the bulky stock of a gun peeking out from his back. "We're just issuing a little... Protocol," The other added, rubbing his hands in glee. His face was pale, and his short, hunched over posture made him seem like some sort of rat. He didn't seem armed in any way, but you realized that he had a utility belt wrapped around his waist, meaning that he could have something worn behind him... Or maybe there was something up his sleeve? You had no clue. Either way, you had a decision to make here and now- do you want to start a brawl, and cause attention? Or try to wheedle your way out? Or maybe you have a different idea? "You may want to think fast, 'hero'," You could literally hear the voice that had 'greeted' you back at the lab. It was like you could never get rid of this guy...
#191412492Friday, June 17, 2016 11:58 PM GMT

No reason to ask about the protocol. If he's rubbing his hands together, it can't be good. Haruhi didn't bring her gun in, and Taiga seems too small and fragile to fight, but maybe I'm wrong about that. She has a rather fierce attitude after all. Regardless, I need to get past these two and back to the car. "Not interested," I say, placing my hands on the chests of the two officers, before attempting to push them off and away from me using the Force. Assuming I succeed in this venture, I quickly take Taiga and Haruhi's hands and hurry with them to the car.
#191420535Saturday, June 18, 2016 1:57 AM GMT

FORCE XP: +2 (Attempt) +3 (Success) --> 8/15 XP As you did this, the two officers were forced away. The Rat-Man was affected much more, as he was sent flying into the back wall, causing a few glances from other diners. As for the giant? He flopped down onto his back, sliding back a few feet before joining his buddy, groaning once he stopped his mini-flop. "Where the hell are we going?!?!" Taiga griped as you three fled the scene. Haruhi, meanwhile, was more conscious of her awareness, and angled her head in the direction that you could already hear sirens coming from. Obviously the cavalry is arriving, and they'll be bearing on your backs in a few moments...
#191428633Saturday, June 18, 2016 3:54 AM GMT

"Anywhere that isn't here," I tell Taiga before turning my head to my other companion, "Haruhi, you should drive." Without waiting for an answer, I hurry to the car with the two girls and enter the passenger's seat, drawing my blaster in case I need to fire at any pursuers.
#191504353Sunday, June 19, 2016 3:51 AM GMT

As you rushed into the garage was in the driver's seat at the blink of an eye, and in a moment you were off. You realized that Taiga was sitting in the back- why she was still with you, you had no clue- and in another moment you saw that the law enforcement of this city wasn't as dumb as you thought, as when Haruhi turned around the corner, a barricade made out of the law enforcement vehicles blocked your exit to the streets, their roofs flashing repeatedly between blue and red. A small group of soldiers were positioned behind the vehicles, their weapons drawn. "STOP THE CAR AND HANDS WHERE WE CAN SEE 'EM!" One yelled as Haruhi stopped the car to a halt. She glanced at you worriedly. [It's time to show off your gun skills...] A part of you thought... "I'm going to try to find a way OUT of this place!"
#191504803Sunday, June 19, 2016 3:59 AM GMT

Need a plan to get those cops out of the way. I don't know if just shooting at them will be enough. No, no it won't be. But I have a plan. "Stay in the car," I tell Haruhi and Taiga. I step out of the car with my hands up in surrender. Once I have clear sight on the police cars, I hold my hands out and attempt to Force Push them out of the way.
#191595138Monday, June 20, 2016 6:05 AM GMT

Bump I'm sorry
#191624417Monday, June 20, 2016 6:45 PM GMT

FORCE XP: +2 (Attempt) +4 (Success) --> 14/15 XP As you did so, the horde of vehicles were knocked to their sides, causing the "barricade", along with the soldiers who had been camping behind it, to scatter. "TAKE COVER!" One screamed, running outside into the streets. [Well, that was fast- obviously these fools aren't professionals,] The "helping" voice- the one who assisted you when you first saw the car. [Better get moving befo-] He was cut off by the loud honk of a horn, thanks to Haruhi. She impatiently stared at you, her patience beginning to show itself. "Come on! Let's go before we get tossed in jail!" She complained, whilst Taiga stared at the carnage in shock.
#191625371Monday, June 20, 2016 6:58 PM GMT

I drop my hands down and hurry back to my seat in the car, drawing my blaster once more. We'd better be quick if we want to avoid any more cops or soldiers. Hopefully we'll be able to lose them, hopefully they won't be on the prowl for us during the entirety of our time here. I wonder briefly about how bad the jails are here. "Okay Haruhi, let's go."
#191795297Wednesday, June 22, 2016 10:10 PM GMT

(I don't like bumping ISRPs, so please just be responsible and remember to reply to this on your own.)
#191870797Thursday, June 23, 2016 10:39 PM GMT

(L0l0l0l0l0l, swarming the threads with CLASH ISRPs!!! ...Seriously, I have to admit I've kinda been neglecting the forums a bit. But personally, I think your thread stands out from all the other threads, by far.) As you got back in, Haruhi immediately drove through the ex-barricade, swerving around a stunned agent. "I'm going to try to get us out of town!" She exclaimed to you before turning on the steering wheel extremely hard. The car lurched to your right, the opposite direction from where you should be going- turning right meant you were heading towards DOWNTOWN. "I'll try to cut through to the highway, and from there we can get out of here," Haruhi hastily explained, just before you heard the wails of sirens behind you. Looks like the fuzz was hot on your tail.
#191882837Friday, June 24, 2016 1:36 AM GMT

(yay) I nod to Haruhi and look over at Taiga. "I hope you don't mind the high-speed chase happening so soon," I say as I ready my blaster. I lean out of the window and open fire at the pursuing officers, aiming at the wheels of their cars.
#192052185Sunday, June 26, 2016 12:32 AM GMT

As you opened fire, you could hear one of the two girls say something, but what exactly, you had no clue. Regardless, you saw the blaster fire cut through the cars like a hot knife through butter. The black "tires" of the cars shredded up, causing one patrol vehicle to smash into another. Within a few more moments, all of them were smashed together all into one giant "sandwich". "Well, I guess that's how we get rid of the police," Haruhi shrugged, glancing away from the mirror hanging from the top of the interior. In a few moments you were back on the highway... ...A few minutes later, you seemingly reached the end of the city- except that your exit was blocked by another set of law enforcers camping out behind their trucks. Haruhi slowed down to a halt a few feet away from the enforcement, but that was a bad move. You heard the screeching of rubber behind you, and when Haruhi glanced back she cursed. "We're blocked in," she told you just before you heard a man speak through some sort of microphone or something. "GET OUT OF THE CAR NOW, AND PUT YOUR HANDS UP!" The male voice shouted, and as you looked around you could see that you were surrounded. There was no way that you could deal with all of them using the Force, and if you did you'd probably get yourself shot, along with the other girls. [Checkmate, I guess...] Your inner "conscience" stated matter-of-factly. Maybe it was all over from the beginning?
#192099524Sunday, June 26, 2016 2:40 PM GMT

I can't stick around here, but we're trapped. And we were so close to the end, too. I don't know much about the way justice is handled here, but I don't imagine surrendering working out in my favor. We're on the highway, so there's nowhere else to go. Our only route is forward, but we're blocked off. What to do, what to do? I certainly can't give up now. Not here. Maybe this highway will be my grave. I know I can't put my weapons down and give up in a place like this. Being stubborn like that is probably what'll get me shot. But action is all I know. I've never known peace in my few years of life. Peace is probably overrated anyway. I think I have a plan now. I keep my blaster held tightly. "Haruhi, do you have any useful spells for us right now?" (By the way, I unlocked a hacking skill awhile back. When will I be able to make use of that?)
#192267383Tuesday, June 28, 2016 4:21 PM GMT

(I'm thinking of scenarios that you may be able to make use of your "Nerd" skill.) "...I have one right now. The 'Freeze' one," Haruhi told you quickly. You heard her shaking the vial violently, but she suddenly stopped as you heard her shift around. "And the Taiga girl is gone. I have no clue-" She was interrupted by the loudspeaker once more. "PUT YOUR GUN DOWN NOW!" He shouted, and everyone trained their guns right at you. [Great. Just great.]
#192268566Tuesday, June 28, 2016 4:41 PM GMT

Taiga's gone? Where could she have escaped to? Doesn't matter right now though. I hold my hands up and drop my blaster outside through the car window. "Haruhi, you better be ready to use that soon," I say quietly, eyeing the cold vial in her hand.
#192694521Sunday, July 03, 2016 2:17 PM GMT

("I must work quickly! There is so much to do... Nein! I'm getting confused!" -Edward Richtofen) As Haruhi quickly popped open the vial, the officer speaking to you yelled out. "Good... Now get out of the car!" He yelled just before Haruhi tossed the vial straight at the group in front of you. As soon as it collided with the loudspeaker man, he was frozen solid whilst the cops around him followed suit. However, the other policemen behind you were unaffected, and you heard someone shout. "OPEN FI- AUGH!" One of the SWAT soldiers yelled just before you heard a sickening slash, and someone dropping to the ground. As you looked behind you could only see a blur as the officers were turned into a panic and began dropping like flies. Another few moments, and they were all down on the ground, albeit not dead- you could hear them whimpering like babies, and groaning. Standing over one of them was a girl holding a sword... Taiga.
#192697314Sunday, July 03, 2016 3:11 PM GMT

(Hi welcome back.) Taiga really can take care of herself, and us. I suppose she's useful for more than just being extremely cute. I didn't notice that sword before, where did she keep it? I probably shouldn't ask. I'm glad she had it though. I pull the blaster back to me using the Force, before leaning out of the window. "Hey Taiga!" I call out, "Thanks for the help. Hurry back in the car just in case more of them are on the way."
#192804452Monday, July 04, 2016 8:15 PM GMT

(I'm gonna get steamrolled by the more boring ISRPs and the like...) Taiga said nothing as she sheathed her sword and came back to you, only taking one glance back at the mutilated soldiers. As she got back into the passenger seat, Haruhi looked nervously at Taiga before starting to drive again. "For your information, I only did that because I'd rather not go to jail, thank you very much," The sword-wielding girl told you as your other comrade swerved around the driverless vehicles that had been blocking your way. "...I'd rather not have to do that again, so let's NOT get blocked in again..."
#192807089Monday, July 04, 2016 8:50 PM GMT

(This RP isn't boring, right?) "Huh? You disappeared though, you could've just run off if you didn't want to go to jail," I say to Taiga. "You wanted to save us because you like us, isn't that right?" I say teasingly, smiling at the cute, blonde girl.
#192812983Monday, July 04, 2016 10:10 PM GMT

(Nope. But the fact that the ISRP actually became [somewhat] POPULAR is what stunned me. I didn't think I'd have to tend to so many ISRPs all at once, sweet Jesus!) The blonde's face turned a beet red when you teased her. "We're even now," Taiga huffed, referring to that burger restaurant she had been in. "And I deny everything!" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A few hours later, you had escaped from that wretched "Los Santos". Haruhi now turned on the radio, and it began to blare stuff from Weasel News once more. "-Fugitives escaped police custody. Many officers lost their hands in the incident, and they all claim someone overpowered them from behind with a sword. More on that later th-" The radio blared just before Haruhi turned it off, shaking her head. "The hits just keep on coming," she sighed. Either way, this didn't change one thing- you had to find a place to stay at, or something. Anything.
#192814633Monday, July 04, 2016 10:32 PM GMT

"Maybe they'll forget about us if we hide out somewhere for awhile," I suggest, looking out the window at our surroundings. We just need to get far enough away, then find a suitable place. We should have enough money to buy a place, but I'm not sure where to find shelter. Since Haruhi woke up in the same building I did, she probably doesn't know either. "Hey, Taiga, do you know where we could buy a place to stay around here?" I ask
#192829346Tuesday, July 05, 2016 1:36 AM GMT

"Well, I kind of woke up in this place, but I do know of a little apartment that seems empty," Taiga offered. Her eyes darted about the highway. "The problem is that it's in the city- at a small hot spot called Vespucci Beach, or something like that. There's a reason why I left that place, but if you want to go there.." She faltered in her speech.
#192854068Tuesday, July 05, 2016 8:55 AM GMT

I don't think staying at a hot spot back in the city is a very good idea. Taiga doesn't seem very keen on going there either by the looks of it. I don't think we'll even be able to get back safely into the city right now. "It's alright, we'll find another place. We just have to keep driving," I tell Taiga, stretching a bit in the process "I'm just going to nap for awhile. Wake me up if you need me," I say, closing my eyes.