#188923659Tuesday, May 10, 2016 10:06 PM GMT

(Sorry for the short posts, by the way.)
#188925444Tuesday, May 10, 2016 10:34 PM GMT

You could hear Pyrrha sigh in frustration as she opened the door and walked out. She wore a white bath robe over her body, and her silky blonde hair dripped water onto the ground. "What next? You mean simply lie low and wait this out?" She replied. "This could mean trouble..."
#188927130Tuesday, May 10, 2016 11:01 PM GMT

~Papyrus~ "LIE LOW? NONSENSE! OBVIOUSLY, WE MUST GO TO THIS "CTOS" STATION, AND INVESTIGATE FOR OURSELVES! I'M SURE WE'LL BE ABLE TO FIGURE SOMETHING OUT THERE!" Papyrus happily suggested, his voice booming across the entire hotel as his enthusiasm grew more and more. "AND I KNOW JUST HOW TO GET THERE!" Papyrus added, raising his finger in the air.
#188929085Tuesday, May 10, 2016 11:29 PM GMT

"How?" Pyrrha suspiciously asked, running her fingers through her long hair as she did. "Does it have anything to do with what's... Happened out here?" She asked, glancing at the unlit light bulb over your heads.
#188930711Tuesday, May 10, 2016 11:54 PM GMT

~Papyrus~ His massive smile was still plastered over his face, as he looked over to the man in his pyjamas and on his phone who came out earlier, and pointed at him. "THIS HUMAN SAID SO! AND I'M PRETTY SURE THE TV DID, TOO!" Papyrus happily said, his energy still through the roof. (Again, I'm really sorry for the short posts.)
#188931783Wednesday, May 11, 2016 12:12 AM GMT

(Don't. TBH I don't think I actually will put in some of my best posts here.) That would have been fine and dandy... Buuuuut the thing is that he had went back inside, as the sky was cloudy and had covered the purple sky. Probably going to rain. "What do you mean? Do you even have an idea of where we'll go?" Pyrrha suspiciously asked, tilting her head as her green eyes examined you.
#188932053Wednesday, May 11, 2016 12:17 AM GMT

~Papyrus~ His position seemed frozen for a bit, in a position of raising his finger in the air enthusiastically with a massive smile. A sweat seemed to form on his brow, and he finally spoke. "UH... WELL, EVERYTHING'S IN DUE TIME! UH, SPEAKING OF TIME, WHAT TIME IS IT?" Papyrus sled, nervously trying to change the subject. However, he suddenly had an idea, and you could practically see the lightbulb on top of his head. He pointed at Pyrrha's pad on her arm, and asked: "HEY, WAIT! WHAT DOES THAT DO? MAYBE IT CAN HELP!" Papyrus suggested, giddiness in his voice.
#188932914Wednesday, May 11, 2016 12:32 AM GMT

(I have to go to bed now, sorry. Goodnight.)
#188934346Wednesday, May 11, 2016 12:57 AM GMT

(Noooooooooo...) Pyrrha shook her head with a grim smile. "No- it has to connect to the database back in Arupi. I was lucky to even be able to access my credit card account," She replied.
#188955116Wednesday, May 11, 2016 2:32 PM GMT

~Papyrus~ His massive smile shrank a little bit, but he was still smiling, like always. His pseudo-brows seemed to narrow his eyes. "WELL, SHOOT. I GUESS WE WILL JUST HAVE TO WAIT IT OUT, THEN. BUT IN DUE TIME!" Papyrus said, his enthusiasm returning. However, he then looked at Pyrrha again, and he seemed to be getting a little bit more serious. "SO, ERM... DO YOU HAVE TIME TO TALK NOW?" He asked her. Oh, right, a while ago, he asked to talk to Pyrrha when she had time.
#188972834Wednesday, May 11, 2016 9:28 PM GMT

"Yeah, I guess... Why?" She asked, combing her fingers through her hair as she spoke. Her green eyes stared outside just as it began to rain. Thank goodness for roofs.
#188977629Wednesday, May 11, 2016 10:56 PM GMT

~Papyrus~ He put both of his hands together, and for once, he didn't seem overly enthusiastic or cheerful. He bowed his head lightly, before raising it up a bit. "WELL, IT'S JUST... EVEN THOUGH YOU MET SOMEONE AS GREAT AS ME, I FEEL LIKE WE GOT OFF ON THE WRONG FOOT. WHEN I SAW YOU BEING ATTACKED, I KNEW I JUST HAD TO HELP YOU, AND I GUESS... THE EXCITEMENT, AND I'M NOT SURE HOW THIS MANAGED TO HAPPEN, BUT... I THINK IT MADE ME A BIT ARROGANT? OH NO!" Papyrus dramatically said, still being as loud as he always was. "SO, UH, I'D LIKE TO APOLOGISE. LET'S START OVER!" Papyrus happily said, and "cleared" his throat before speaking again. "OH, GREETINGS, HUMAN! MY NAME IS PAPYRUS! WHAT'S YOURS?" Papyrus comically repeated. It seemed like he literally meant to start over. Of course, he didn't forget anything that they did, he just felt like they got off on the wrong foot.
#188979938Wednesday, May 11, 2016 11:37 PM GMT

Pyrrha stared at you for a few moments, obviously still not used to your flamboyance. She then reintroduced herself. "Pyrrha Alexandra..." She responded to you.
#188980992Wednesday, May 11, 2016 11:56 PM GMT

~Papyrus~ "NICE TO MEET YOU, PYRRHA! WOWIE, THAT WENT WELL! NYEH HEH HEH!" Papyrus cackled, looking up to the sky a little bit. He looked like he was goofing off and he looked like he was having fun. However, he looked at Pyrrha again, and seemed to scratch his skull with one finger. "AARGH, IT'S BEEN BUGGING ME EVER SINCE WE FIRST MET! YOU SEEM SO FAMILIAR!... HM... IS THE NAME "SOPHITIA" FAMILIAR TO YOU?" Papyrus asked, his pseudo-brows giving the effect of his eyes darting around. He knew "Sophitia" from the wasteland for sure, and he was sure she mentioned something about Pyrrha at some point.
#188982583Thursday, May 12, 2016 12:26 AM GMT

(I need to go to bed now, sorry. Goodnight.)
#188987506Thursday, May 12, 2016 1:49 AM GMT

(Nnnnnooooooooo...) Pyrrha seemed taken aback when you revealed that name, and took a step back as her green eyes stared at you. "Mom..." She murmured, then glanced out into the rainy parking lot. "...'Sophitia' happens to be the name of my mother..." She said quietly.
#189015384Thursday, May 12, 2016 8:04 PM GMT

(Sorry about that. I have school, so I need to go to bed for that. On the weekend though, I'll probably be able to stay up longer.) ~Papyrus~ Comically, what seemed to be fake eyeballs on springs, well, sprung out of his eyesockets in shock when she said that, his mouth wide open and his smile creeping a little higher. His fake eyeballs seemingly disappeared, and he put both of his hands on the side of his skull in happiness. "R-REALLY?! SHE IS?! WOWIE! I KNOW HER! ME AND HER WERE GREAT FRIENDS ON THIS OTHER ADVENTURE! IF YOU'RE HER DAUGHTER, THEN THAT MEANS... WE WERE ALWAYS DESTINED TO BE GREAT FRIENDS!" Papyrus yelled in glee, raising his fist up in the air in excitement. "I'M GETTING SO POPULAR! WELL, I SUPPOSE YOU SHOULD REST FOR A BIT. YOU'VE BEEN THOUGH A LOT TODAY." Papyrus suggested, looking around the place and observing the rainy parking spaces.
#189025055Thursday, May 12, 2016 11:06 PM GMT

Pyrrha seemed *slightly* unnerved by your flamboyance. She began to back up into her room. "Yeah, I guess... I think I need to rest," She murmured before closing the door shut. She seemed like she was mulling things over to herself. Meanwhile, the rain just came harder and harder. Jeez.
#189025597Thursday, May 12, 2016 11:15 PM GMT

~Papyrus~ He went back into his room when Pyrrha did, and looked out of his window at the rain. He had only been gone for a few hours or so, but he already missed and was worried about his brother. And Undyne, too. Maybe there was a chance he could find them here? Papyrus knows that Sans is really lazy- the house is probably a mess by now.
#189039227Friday, May 13, 2016 3:01 AM GMT

As you went back into your room, a small voice- different from the first voice- spoke in your head. [There still may yet be hope. Don't forget about your friends- they may still be around..]
#189049189Friday, May 13, 2016 11:26 AM GMT

~Papyrus~ Instantly, his positive energy beamed to its fullest again, and his smile grew even higher, as he raised his finger in the air in happiness and responded to the voice. "YOU'RE RIGHT, VOICE! I CAN'T GIVE UP! WE CAN'T GIVE UP! PAPYRUS NEVER GIVES UP! WE HAVE TO GIVE UP GIVING UP! SANS AND UNDYNE ARE AROUND HERE SOMEWHERE, I KNOW IT! I KNOW I CAN FIND THE OTHERS, TOO! NYEH HEH HEH HEH!" Papyrus said, thoroughly inspired, as he leaped on his bed and tried to turn on the TV... Only to remember that the power outage was still going on. "OH." Papyrus muttered, as he stared at the black screen. He then leapt up off of the bed again, and stood on the floor proudly, his fists where his hips would be if he was human. "THIS IS GREAT! THIS IS THE PERFECT OPPORTUNITY TO RECALIBRATE MY PUZZLES! NYEH HEH HEH!" Papyrus cackled, as he began constructing puzzles out of magic.
#189068955Friday, May 13, 2016 9:22 PM GMT

As you began to make puzzles, the lights began to flicker on again. The TV lit up once more, and a small notification appeared at the bottom: "THE ctOS SYSTEM IS HAVING TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES. PLEASE STAND BY AND BE PATIENT. THANK YOU." Then a reality TV show came on- something about people trying to find their perfect "match" in terms of a spouse. Eh.
#189069786Friday, May 13, 2016 9:35 PM GMT

~Papyrus~ He looked up from his puzzles in glee when he saw the power come on, and looked around his room with his massive smile on his face still glued on. Did Papyrus ever stop smiling? Well, positive energy is good. "OH, GREAT! THIS MAKES IT EASIER TO SEE TO MAKE MY PUZZLES!" Papyrus said happily, as he took his puzzle inside of the living room, and began to watch the TV while creating puzzles. -"It's pretty hard to stay anonymous when you're the world's greatest secret agent."-
#189071328Friday, May 13, 2016 10:01 PM GMT

The TV continued on with its random reality TV show, until a sudden notification appeared just as thunder boomed right outside your door: "FLASH FLOOD WARNING IN CHICAGO" Well, great. Just great, huh?
#189071564Friday, May 13, 2016 10:06 PM GMT

~Papyrus~ He looked at the notification, and slightly exaggerated his reaction to... Nobody, by putting both hands on the side of his skull and opening his mouth wide. "OH, NO!" Papyrus cried, as he went up to the window and looked outside. Maybe there was some way he could help, but there probably wasn't. But pessimism never got anyone anywhere, right?