rend00Join Date: 2013-10-02 Post Count: 760 |
Essentially what Place-in-the-Gear is a series of updates (vanities, pool rotations, etc.) that would drastically increase the quality of games, the catalog and player creation. Its centerpiece, the Place-in-the-Gear.
A place-in-the-gear is a function that could be added to some gears that would allow players using them to start games, minigames, matches and battles of their own inside a place that range from sweet and simple to having the complexity and quality of some places.
What this does is allow infinite gameplay for potentially any place and would up the gameplay for all games and ROBLOX in general as it would allow players to bring their own game and essentially their own fun into a server and share it with everyone.
If this interested you at all, I recommend you READ ON! (´ ▽ ` )>
If you want to give me an opinion based off of this TL;DR just give me a TL;DR only support or no support post down below. I appreciate all opinions. Thanks!
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rend00Join Date: 2013-10-02 Post Count: 760 |
Lets be honest: Gears were a great addition to ROBLOX.
They make ROBLOX profits, their meshes can be used as models, they add more to our accounts, but they're not as good as they could be. In fact, as we go on gears are becoming less and less prominent and less and less significant, and less and less meaningful to actually own.
Even so, I don't think that gears are worthless at all. In fact, my vision for them gives them the potential to bring ROBLOX to a whole new level. In fact, this update would bring all of ROBLOX to a whole new level!
It's time for an update... !!!!
Place-in-the-Gear is a series of updates to gears (and all catalog mesh items from hats to packages to faces) that would be updated as a ripple effect to its centerpiece, the Place-in-the-Gear feature. Not only is this update meant to help gears, but it is also meant to boost every single catalog item in general.
Now without further ado, here it is !!!!
Place-in-the-Gear essentially is a new function that can be created for new and already existing ROBLOX gears. It basically allows player mini-games, games, battles and matches to be played with using a gear.
Basically what ROBLOX would start doing is building these games that could be played with using the gear that it is embedded onto. It is called Place-in-the-Gear because it would basically be like a game or battle that you can play with other players with the complexity of some places, that would be playable in any place. They would range from very simple (something as simple as a mini-sword fight being possible with no health bar or actual damage when meeting someone with the same gear all the way to a murder mystery or freeze tag Place-in-the-Gear that anyone in the server can join; there's infinite possibilities just like there are infinite possibilities for places).
There's only two things that always stay the same for a Place-in-the-Gear:
1. Gamemasters: Gamemasters are the people participating who own the gear or started the Place-in-the-Gear using their own gear. They would be the controllers of the match and multiple gamemasters would be put on even ground.
2. They would function outside of the current place you were in: Only people and things that are in the Place-in-the-Gear match can be affected by anything that happens inside of it (no stat or health bar or any building in the actual place can be affected by any event in the Place-in-the-Gear, their effects are segregated). This is what I call the incuberse (incubated universe). In the incuberse no new script can affect you and only the scripts present inside the incuberse can affect you. How free you are to enter and leave this state depends on the rules of this incuberse. Hold on to this concept, because you will see it again.
Essentially Place-in-the-Gears would function inside these incuberses and have their own incuberse scripts.
Place-in-the-Gears will allow players to bring their own games and their own fun into games and make infinite gameplay in any ROBLOX place. Even Place-in-the-Hats or Place-in-the-Faces or even Place-in-the-Faces could be possible! And here is why:
Place-in-the-Gear would be a vanity function. But what is a "vanity function"?
Vanity functions (just called a vanity) are basically functions that can be bought and embedded onto gears, faces, hats, packages and other catalog items. They function in an incuberse, which means their script, meshes and models can't affect or be affected by normal placescript.
Vanities have infinite possibilities. They can be simple, like just allowing you to do a taunt with the item the vanity is attached to, or complicated, like a Place-in-the-Gear. They can allow you to change your animations when equipped, they can alter your speech bubble, they can do magic, they can do parlor tricks, there are no limits, only a few rules.
Basically ROBLOX would create vanities and sell them with items specifically crafted for them. Once you buy the item, you can buy vanities that are for that item as well.
Here is how vanities work in-game:
In the end, a vanity is still just the item it is attached onto. If you buy a vanity for a sword gear you own, when you equip that vanity, you will be equipping your sword. It's just that now it will have a separate function. Vanities are basically the equivalent of tools, and they would have their own toolbox/player inventory that would share the same name: your vanity.
Your vanity would have the same UI as your toolbox except for a few design differences like color so they can be distinguishable. You switch from your place toolbox to your vanity via a hotkey that will be decided by ROBLOX (it will follow the hierarchy of hotkey configuration). You can equip vanities you buy along with your gear onto your player, and the order they are in on your avatar equipped items will decide the order they are in on your vanity inventory (the ones you don't equip will fill the rest of the spots in a random order each time).
Vanities have their own poses for your character when equipped and if you have a vanity equipped your character will do its pose. If you have multiple vanities or a gear and a vanity equipped the pose you do will be chosen at random and refreshed each time (either that or the pose of the gear or vanity that is first in your order of equipped items; idk which would be better you guys can decide).
Ghost Vanity
There would also be a feature known as the ghost vanity (static vanity, frozen vanity whatever you want to call it). What it basically means is if you equip a vanity and go to the normal player toolbox without unequipping the vanity the vanity will stay equipped. Basically when you equip a tool from your place toolbox it will override your ghost vanity, but when you have no tool equipped your ghost vanity will stay in effect. So for example, lets say I have a sword vanity that allows me to do a wide array of taunts and at the same time completely changes my animations. If I set it to my ghost vanity, all of these things will stay in effect even if I'm in my toolbox, and when I equip a normal tool it would switch off for a moment until I unequip my tool.
Vanities can potentially exist for anything that interacts with a player.
A new catalog update needs a new UI, which is why if Place-in-the-Gear is implemented all catalog items will be added onto by series.
What this means is that every single catalog item will have its original version, which will be its current version. However, if you go to its item page, you can see all of the vanities possible to buy for it or that could possibly come with it via a menu and each would also have its own page that it links to (but you can only get to the link from the original webpage). ROBLOX can then add on versions of the item that are essentially different variations that would be buyable from the same webpage. They would have their own vanities, skin, and name, etc. or something to make it distinguishable from the previous versions (but they would always have the same mesh and script). Their pages would only be accessible from the original item's page though.
You can only own one of each version of an item (but if a item has multiple versions of itself you can own one of each of those versions) unless it is a limited. When you view an item in a player's inventory it will show all of its unique traits if you hover over it (i.e. the vanities attached to it)
Pool Rotations
When you buy an item with series's, there will be a thing known as a pool rotation. The pool rotation decides what kind of version of the item you will get. How it works is that some of the rotations will be exclusive (as in you cannot buy them separately) and some of them you can. Each of these has a percentage chance of achieving and an order of the rarity cycle. Basically when you buy something by pool rotation it will have a chance of landing on a specific one or passing, and if it does then you get that rotation. If it doesn't it moves on to the next one in the rarity cycle and restarts if it gets to the end. Pool rotation cycles costs extra R$ and for each added cycle (one extra time around the rarity cycle) it will cost more R$.
Some examples can be:
- Vanity Rotations
If you buy a vanity rotation for your item you will have a random chance of getting vanities of that item to come with your item purchase.
- Prop Rotations
If a vanity or item has different versions of itself that give different props you can buy a prop rotation to see if you can get a rare one.
This section is dedicated to explaining how these updates will interact with developers and places.
Basically developers cannot directly disable the vanity feature, but they can either allow all vanities or none or allow specific ones in (which is edited in Configure Place). If a game allows a vanity, that vanity can be purchased from their place shop and the money goes to the place owner, which will encourage people to allow vanities.
The number of vanities that place supports will also be shown as a number under the amount of players online in its thumbnail.
And places that allow all vanities and build around that would be encouraged naturally by player traffic and interest and infinite gameplay.
Vanities can also be built in ROBLOX Studio and you can publish vanities for your models that add incubated script to them (they wouldn't function exactly the same as vanities for players and the catalog, but would be similar). They can even make their own vanity inventories for their games (but they cannot alter the universal one).
You can even filter games to only see ones that allow a vanity of your choice inside it on the Games page.
So just to review if you don't know what all of these are then I suggest you go back and re-read its section:
1. Place-in-the-Gears
I. Gamemasters
II. Incuberses
2. Vanities and Vanity Inventories
I. Ghost Vanities
3. New Catalog UI Update: Item By Series
I. Pool Rotations
4. Vanity, Place and Developer Harmony
And with that, it is complete... !!!!
Place-in-the-Gear is a great update for ROBLOX because it would really up player individuality and allow players to alter the game in a meaningful yet manageable way. With vanities like Place-in-the-Gear in place, who's playing will be as important as what you're playing. It allows infinite player possibilities and adds another layer of infinity to gameplay itself, because Place-in-the-Gears will allow you to play entire games and matches in potentially any place, regardless of what it is.
Pool rotations will give ROBLOX a lot of profit for rebuying, and vanity and prop rotational purchases will give ROBLOX yet another extra source of income that is easy to make.
Players can have their own incuberse animations, incuberse magic, incuberse taunts, incuberse weapons, and incuberse games and quirks be an integral part of their character and avatar themselves, and with an infinite possibility for vanities, there is no limit to what kind of ROBLOXian you can make and it will actually show in every game you play.
Will you be a sword-wielding ROBLOXian whose vanity allows for magic sword feats, or a glowing eyed ROBLOXian that's vanity is a Place-in-the-Face that allows for intense staring contests? There is no limit. Character creativity will soar, and the satisfaction from creating a BLOXian with true personality and playerscript of its own will drive even more catalog purchases.
And with developer items on the way, developer-created vanities and Place-in-the-Gears could be an epic combination.
Wins everywhere.
Now that you've read this long thread, do you support?
If you do, I would appreciate if you make a support post on this thread, and if not, then that's fine too. All opinions are welcome. And if you have an idea for a vanity or Place-in-the-Gear, feel free to post it below. Your contribution is valued.
Thank you for reading and I hope to see you around this thread. I'll be waiting ;)
Lets #MakeOurCatalogEvenBetter!
Old thread:
It all began with one lowly place-in-the-gear.
✌(-‿-)✌ |
Riolu769Join Date: 2008-10-03 Post Count: 23 |
Support omfg this is amazing |
ruin3DsJoin Date: 2013-10-20 Post Count: 1237 |
This is way better than the old one tbh. It sounds really fun.
I might have a place in the gear idea for you but I gotta think about it.
Tracked! |
Support again + tracked.
Literally astounding. |
windfluteJoin Date: 2013-09-08 Post Count: 219 |
Support. I can seriously imagine the awesomeness.
I already know what vanities I would want if this became a thing.
This suggestion has come a long way. |
JaschaJoin Date: 2009-06-19 Post Count: 1447 |
Read the whole thing.
Support! Better than the old thread for sure. |
It is really long, I'm still having a text-to-speech read it. So far, I love it, and supported. YES YES YES!
this is a forum post ok™ |
windfluteJoin Date: 2013-09-08 Post Count: 219 |
I have a suggestion.
Instead of a ghost vanity, it could extend to all inventories, so it would instead be called a "ghost equip" or "ghost tool"
Basically you can ghost equip one thing at a time, and if you switch inventories without unequipping a tool or vanity, it stays equipped when you have nothing equipped on your current inventory until you ghost equip a new thing.
That would actually be a useful thing for ROBLOX gameplay in general, not just this.
Other than that, this idea is perfect. |
no support
gears are good as they are
rend00Join Date: 2013-10-02 Post Count: 760 |
Wow thanks for all of the support you guys!
That's a great idea! And speaking of ghost equips, I think there should be an easy way to do a ghost "unequip"
Maybe holding down the inventory button or something. It's at least better and faster than manually doing it. |
Support. Man that was a good read. |
I can't support this enough. Great job. |
Oh yeah btw I support the ghost equip revision. |
OsruJoin Date: 2012-12-18 Post Count: 356 |
inb4 roblox says no
ruin3DsJoin Date: 2013-10-20 Post Count: 1237 |
Btw I just recently noticed this, but how would you summon vanities by ID?
Personally this is how I think it should be done:
- Every alternate version of an item and pool rotation (be it a vanity, reskin or new mesh) should have its own ID, but it would be added onto the original gear/item ID. So the first alternate version's ID would be 133769360#1 if the item's ID is 133769360, and the next added thing in its series would be 133769360#2 and so on.
Also if you summon vanities using an admin of some kind or script it would go into your vanity inventory.
Lol. Any Kohl's admin game with a decent map would basically have infinite gameplay. |
Support. I can already see the kind of market and games this would make, and I'm telling you right now, it's the hypest feeling I've had about a suggestion in a while.
Nice job and tracked. |
Also if a vanity or a new version of an item is a Limited, how would trading work?
I assume that it would just be shown on its own page, so it's a small concern. But still. |
ruin3DsJoin Date: 2013-10-20 Post Count: 1237 |
Good point.
I also think it should be possible to have one vanity for multiple items. That way there can be common ones that are easy to get or buy and common ones that could be allowed in most places.
How it should be done is that there can be a page for that vanity and each version of it for a different item has the same ID system I was talking about, but there's one ID which encompasses all of its versions. That way you can allow that ID specifically into your game. You can only buy one of its versions attached to an item, but that way this could work. |
rend00Join Date: 2013-10-02 Post Count: 760 |
Good adds, guys. Consider them official. |
I got an idea for Place-in-the-Gear (er... package):
It would be part of a package called the "Ghost Knight" which would basically be a suit of black armor, with golden neon veins and golden eyes in the helm. The Place-in-the-Gear would be called "Ghost Fighter"
Basically what it would be is a tool in your vanity. It's a sword and shield that randomizes each time you join a game; there's a pool of meshes that it draws from as well as a black steel decal with neon veins of different colors.
Basically when you have it out random monsters that spawn randomly in and then teleport to any place that you have been to recently (they're called ghosts because they haunt in your vicinity) that only a ghost fighter can fight and interact with. Each ghost fighter has one of these monsters haunting them at a time (and only one). They would either be aggro NPCs or wish-granting or vendors (it depends). They each carry souls and their souls are their power. They drop them all on defeat (as a mega soul) that you can pick up to in turn come stronger. The more souls you have the stronger you are. The person carrying the original tool can knight other players to become ghost fighters, where they would get a randomized ghost sword as well. They can then fight each other and fight haunts together.
Your souls are your damage and your health and you start with one. Each time you get hit by a monster they do damage equivalent to the amount of souls they have. And you do damage equivalent to the amount of souls you have. Your block lightens this damage by the amount of souls you have. Once you damage someone their lost souls go to you. If you don't have any souls left and you get hit, then you die and its the same for other ghost fighters and monsters.
When you defeat the original ghost knight you take their place and the game ends when every ghost fighter has lost. It's basically an incuberse RPG.
Let me know if it's good or bad. |
Oh yeah I forgot how it would start:
Basically it would start by the original tool holder accepting the starting menu GUI. Once it starts, it won't stop until every player involved has either lost or left the game or forfeited. Also, the ghosts will only interact with you when you equip your sword otherwise they'll just ignore you and keep following you (and they will only spawn when you have it equipped).
The equip and unequip sword would be GUI-based as well as the button for leaving the match. |