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#192779505Monday, July 04, 2016 1:49 PM GMT

Commissioner B. Gordon, 7/4/45. "Things are heating up around here, real quick. The Jokerz are prowling through the streets, people are rioting, and the temperature is ten degrees below zero. The police are no match for this threat. I've tried to get in touch with the Batman, thus far to no avail. It doesn't help that vandals broke the damn signal." Commissioner B. Gordon, 7/10/45. "The siege on the city has accelerated. Cops are showing up dead, snow is covering the streets, and the best we can do to fight the Jokerz is by telling people to hide in their homes. Bru-Batman would have had this resolved days ago. I'm attempting to make contact with the Justice League, which is difficult. Most alarmingly, a red costume with lighting bolts was nailed to the door of the station. It's covered in blood." Commissioner B. Gordon, 7/12/45. "The situation has gotten even more out of control. Most of our men are gone and the Jokerz seem to be growing. I'm getting reports of similar attacks in Metropolis, Blüdhaven, and Washington DC, all from different gangs. The average temperature in these cities is forty below. I've made constant calls to the Batcave, but nobody's answering. Even the Army can't stand up to these forces. Much to my fears, the members of the Justice League have started disappearing, starting with Micron, Aqualass, and Micron. The others can barely retreat fast enough from these fights. Gotham needs the Batman." Commissioner B. Gordon, 7/15/45. "The city has fully broken down in chaos. Jokerz are in the station as I speak. There's only one thing left that I can do. If Renee was right, entering this disk into the city's mainframe is our last hope... The body of the Batman was found this morning, beaten and defiled with Joker makeup. Damn clowns. 'Miss commissioner, we know you're in there! Come out and play!' Go to hell! *Gunshots*" -Fifty-six years later- The Question checked over the files a thousand times more. He had been searching as a computer program for fifty-six years for heroes, and he had finally found them. Summary: In the year 2101, 56 years after gangs took over cities all across America, you (the heroes) have been assembled to form the new Justice League, and take back Gotham city. This takes place in the DCAU, but I don't care about minor canon changes. Cities: Gotham: Controlled by the Jokerz, the most heavily fortified and destroyed city. This is the first city destroyed, and is completely covered in ice. (Real-world Manhattan) Metropolis: Also controlled by the Jokerz, a decaying city, which is blanketed by sore. It's only 10°F. Reports exist of a mysterious blue blur protecting the citizens from harm. Blüdhaven: The warmest city, controlled by a gang that call themselves Scarecrow, the citizens are regular victims to fear gas attacks. Star City: The new functioning capital of the United States, it is the only city (out of this list) freed from gang control. (In real-world California) Central City/Keystone: A chaotic city that's a battlefield between a gang of vigilantes known as the Arrows and the Royal Flush Gang. The police presence is minimal due to fatalities. The Army has set up camps in Keystone, which get destroyed almost instantly. The temperature varies wildly, from scorching hot to freezing cold. It's something of a meteorological anomaly, with constant tornados, hailstorms, and lightning storms. (Real world Kansas City) Washington DC: Icy rubble with shacks dotting the city. All three gangs use the city as a place to test their weapons. It's covered in ice, much like Gotham. A strange woman is held in chains in the middle of town. Anyone who goes nearby is shot. CS: Name: Age: Alias: Powers/Abilities: Costume: City of Residence: Bio: Personality: Physical appearance:
#192786198Monday, July 04, 2016 4:03 PM GMT

One would think that after reposting the roleplay 25 times and getting no joiners would be a signal that your roleplay sucks and nobody likes it. Nevertheless, my CS will be coming later.
#192788268Monday, July 04, 2016 4:32 PM GMT

Ah but those were over the course of two years and this is a rewrite.
#192788376Monday, July 04, 2016 4:34 PM GMT

Might make a cs. ]
#192800470Monday, July 04, 2016 7:20 PM GMT

Okay. No rush.
#192810930Monday, July 04, 2016 9:41 PM GMT

#192811495Monday, July 04, 2016 9:50 PM GMT

So the Question somehow turned into a computer program and decided to use program powers to find superheroes?
#192811792Monday, July 04, 2016 9:54 PM GMT

I could explain it in-story, but this is a computer copy of the Question's mind, who using various sources gathered information on various metahumans and vigilantes, and he's using the information on people he finds to build a Justice League.
#192811866Monday, July 04, 2016 9:55 PM GMT

Oh, and magic users.
#192812649Monday, July 04, 2016 10:05 PM GMT

Alright then, I'll think about it.
#192820703Monday, July 04, 2016 11:46 PM GMT

Pawz, leningrad?
#192821588Monday, July 04, 2016 11:57 PM GMT

I'm still deciding.
#192826050Tuesday, July 05, 2016 12:51 AM GMT

I released this right after Supers in Spandex came back, but I hope people realize it's a completely different theme and tone.
#192826213Tuesday, July 05, 2016 12:53 AM GMT

the dc animated universe makes me sad because joker dies, and not even in a worthy way. he has a tantrum? the reason he died is because he can't control his emotions, and acted like a toddler because he wasn't battling the 'real batman' who is old.
#192826462Tuesday, July 05, 2016 12:56 AM GMT

I actually never saw that movie. I regret that. I've heard Return of the Joker was great.
#192826591Tuesday, July 05, 2016 12:58 AM GMT

it is not great! joker! dies! he!!! dies!!! TWICE. (three times, if you count that it was censored. he is shot, falls to his doom, and ELECTROCUTED.) ((actually it is fabulous. im a huge fan of mark hamill, and dc in the first place. i watch the movie a lot. i watch lots of joker stuff a lot actually. i really love the joker. terrible dude. terrible. did you know they made a killing joke movie? awesome, awesome. i also love comics.))
#192826728Tuesday, July 05, 2016 1:00 AM GMT

actually, his wasn't the only death that was censored. he kills another guy. SHOOTS him, and that is BAD so the censored version had the guy die from laughing gas. which is... it isn't much better? especially since in the animated version they chose the laughing gas BECAUSE they couldn't get away with killing people on the screenm, so the smile was the best? they did the same thing in mask of the phantasm. turned the laughing gas which was supposed to be more of a violation than death, and made it... both. which yes, is scary, but really weird to see how the original purpose was changed as they tried to AMP up joker evilness.
#192826780Tuesday, July 05, 2016 1:01 AM GMT

anyway, how dark is this gonna be.
#192826978Tuesday, July 05, 2016 1:03 AM GMT

A lot of America is taken over by crazy murderers who pillage and murder innocents on a grand scale.
#192827508Tuesday, July 05, 2016 1:11 AM GMT

ok, but how dark. like... going back to the joker. joker has always been a bit dark. if you ignore the 1960s. then he wasn't that dark, but it was the 60s! but there are different LEVELS of darkness. killing joke: he paralyzed barbara gordon, and took pictures... of... her... uhm, i dont feel comfortable talking about this novel on a kids site. basically, its really dark. nice novel tho. dont read if u r under fourteen pls. its made in an r movie. like. seriously ... cataclysm? no? i forgot the arc. but he kidnapped ALL the babies in gotham, and put them in the police station. and was talking to the baby like "listen to your uncle j. life is a joke and you are going to reach the punch line first" and then when gordon's second wife came in, he THREW the baby at her, and shot her. and let the babies... crawl... over... her... OKKAY. ANIMATED SERIES. before return of the joker. he blackmailed a dude for 2 years, and then left him glued to the door with a gas mask so he could die in the explosions, not the paralyzing gas. he threw harley out of a window. return of the joker: he KIDNAPPED TIM DRAKE AND TORTURED HIM INTO HIS SON, and then RETURNED VIA A DNA CHIP. uhm. arkham/ undern the red hood? death in the family? he forced jason' todds bio mother to like... trick him into coming to a warehouse, and then beat jason to near death with a... crowbar? and exploded them both? n52> had his face cut off. made jokes. threatende to cut harley's face off. locked harley in a basement with a bunch of harley-dressed corpses and said she wasnt the last one. when she escaped by bloodying... her wrists, uh. he said she might proveherself yet. he kidnapped alfred. uh, poisoned the entire bat fam after kidnapping them (and making burce4 think their faces were cut off) so they fought. doused them all in gasoline... uh. THERE ARE DIFFERENT TYPES OF DARK OK.
#192827680Tuesday, July 05, 2016 1:13 AM GMT

OH and the dark knight returns. yes. that one where he went into a coma for 10 years bc batman stopped working as batman (bc... he killed... jason todd.) and then he went on a talk show, poisoned the audience, kissed another girl on the show so she laughed herself to death, uh... yeah. killed a few 100 people there to prove a point. ran off. served poisoned cotton candy to some boy scpouts, gfave exploding toys to children. (might be confusing movie cs nvoel)shot up the carnival. kidnapped a kid to use as a shielf. and then when batman accidently broke his neck, broke the rest of his neck so batman would be blamed for his death. not counting heath ledger, and so many other. stuff. how. dark.
#192827781Tuesday, July 05, 2016 1:15 AM GMT

Under the Red Hood levels? I mean there's going to be senseless violence, repe, genocide, it's going to be a bad place.
#192827877Tuesday, July 05, 2016 1:16 AM GMT

ok. so like, deliver a mobster group a their underlings head? "be in bed by 8" EXPLODES. but dont give bad substances to children?
#192827975Tuesday, July 05, 2016 1:18 AM GMT

OH AND IN N52 JOKER PROPOSED TO BARBARA with her mother's ring finger, and blackmailed a pastor into being the minister (bc he had his congregation) and tried to cut off her limbs with a chainsaw so she wouldn't "do the ol' midnight divorce." ... isnt he so nice?
#192828259Tuesday, July 05, 2016 1:21 AM GMT

Naw they give substances to kids and also brainwash them, murder them, enslave them, and occasionally do bad things to their bodies, depending on the gang. Jokerz are ultra dark, Scarecrow members are less so but are Scarecrow dark, and the Royal Flush Gang is just like a normal Mafia.

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