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#205572202Tuesday, December 27, 2016 10:20 PM GMT

Note: This is based off of an RP that never got off the ground on another site. I got permission from the original owner to base this off of theirs In the year 2105, many virtual worlds were made in the past 110 years, most of them are now defunct. One of these worlds, simply called Metaverse, was released in 2100 as a virtual world everyone could enter. The way to enter into the world is through a "headset". It's not really a headset though. It acted much like a rectangular box in shape. The box when used properly, had the ability to engross its user within the virtual environment. The physical experience itself wasn't really pleasant, as one had to hook themselves up to three wires, as well as get three injections before using the system. Overall, it proved to be something highly valuable. Upon entering, new players would arrive in a place called Virtual Central Station, while returning players would arrive at their last location, or they could enter a new location by typing in a realm's name. Welcome to the Metaverse.... It’s likely most of you've spent most of your past 5 years on here. After all, it provides much of your care, and can stimulate learning that is easy, and lazy. However, there have been rumors circulating in the past few months. These whispers detail two individuals, Metaverse users who have the ability to manipulate and control the virtual environment; making it take care of their needs. Before now, such actions as this have been never seen prior. Sure, there's hacks such as free credit generating, but these aren't extensive, and don't do much damage. But these ones, well, they're something else. One destroys and breaks, while the other creates and repairs. But soon, news of these two are forgotten, as more prospects take over the VR news; enhancements, and terrorists. Currently, in early June 2105, a group called Arcane is rising in Metaverse. They plan on tampering with many user's code, with their permission, to give them permanent "superpowers" universally, but this is a risky process. They also have permission from Haven to do this. Their rivals are a "virtual hacking group" known as Vemon Posse, who attempt to invoke fear into the users of Metaverse. Dubbed trolls by some, people who are a part of Vemon Posse were usually kicked out by the realm's caretakers, but now they’ve managed to find loopholes around this and evade Metaverse’s creator, Haven. On the other hand, the normal population of Metaverse are currently fine for the most part, though a few claim sightings of Vemon Posse. [Rules] -No absolutely perfect characters (like a mary sue). No one is perfect, as everyone has flaws. Although you can make your character's appearance a lot in the virtual world, this is not required. -No godmodding, power-playing, or meta gaming. While there will be superpowers later on, this doesn't mean you can go godlike. -New rules might be added from time to time. [In-RP Rules] -No hacking, if you do hack and are caught doing it severely or repeatedly, your account will be terminated. -New rules might be added from time to time. [Realms] (This is just a few, you are allowed to make your own) REALM: Virtual Central Station PROGRAMMER: Unknown THEME: Universal (everything, basically) DESCRIPTION:: Virtual Central Station, or VCS, is one of the largest realms to date. Within the huge space, is the heart of the realms within Metaverse. It is the sole realm that is connected to every other realm, making it highly valuable. Users’ board "trains" to other realms of Metaverse. Users can use their database to search for their ideal realm. No units required.
#205572227Tuesday, December 27, 2016 10:20 PM GMT

REALM: Metropolis PROGRAMMER: Ai Maverick THEME: Sci-Fi, Slice-of-life DESCRIPTION: Metropolis is the leading city for the educated. Complete with huge sparkling buildings, and beautiful landscape, Metropolis is most definitely the site to visit. Within its walls are many of the world's leading virtual companies, which allows the employment rate to be very high. Not enough? Metropolis also simulates the life of a superhero, if you so choose that path! Defend the civilians, and stop the villains with your realm exclusive superpowers! Units may be required to purchase better superpowers. Data will be saved after each visit. REALM: Atlantis PROGRAMMER: Anna Till THEME: Sci-fi, Fantasy, underwater DESCRIPTION: Atlantis operates under an oceanic time, complete with themed items and a spanning ocean. First made up just shortly after Metaverse went Open Beta, this fantastical and interesting place features plenty of events such as fighting tournaments, art walks, races, explorations, performances (both musical and non-musical), among other stuff. People don't drown. REALM: Draeda PROGRAMMER: Multiple THEME: Fantasy, RPG BRIEF DESCRIPTION: Draeda is an RPG within the virtual world. It is a high fantasy where you can join a guild, take up quests, fight monsters, participate in events, and much more! Become a fighter, mage, cleric, beastmaster, thief, and more, or maybe create your own style of fighting. Units can be obtained through completing quests and events and may be required to purchase better items and equipment. Data will be saved after you depart. [Terminology] Units: Virtual currency each realm and Metaverse as a whole uses. These can be purchased when the user is offline, or earned in-game. With units, you can customize your avatar further, as well as purchase virtual homes, pets, etc. Keep in mind, you still feel hunger, thirst, and pain in the environment, and it is needed to complete these needs. Various shops are in every realm, where users can purchase avatar styles, clothes, food, etc. Every user earns 5 units a day, but Platinum members earn 15 a day. Users that are still in school earn 20 units for every course they complete a trimester, and users that go to work can earn units, usually ranging from 10 to 60 an hour, depending on your job. Realms: Worlds of Metaverse, basically. Created by programmers, realms are customized worlds often having a theme. Themes can be pretty much anything, from fantasy, to horror. There's a station that connects every existing realm, so that players can have an easy time navigating between them. People can buy and sell the land inside them. This, along with units, gives Metaverse an economy that is ever-changing. Programmers: Creators of the realms. They are often a lot to create successful said realms, and manage them accordingly. In realms, they are respected highly, and often have a rank close to that of a celebrity. Hackers: Users who can tamper with the code of Metaverse, often in some sort of small way. Up until the emergence of Vemon Posse, they couldn't do much other than generate free units or crash portions of realms. Severe hackers who are caught are terminated from Metaverse and their license revoked. However, Vemon Posse has the ability to avoid their identity being revealed most of the time, making them difficult to get rid of. [Character CS] Name: Nickname: Gender: Age: Hometown: VR Username: VR Gender: (optional) VR Appearance: (you have to freedom to customize and change your character at any time) Are you considering Arcane’s offer?: Personality: (optional) Other: [Realm CS] Realm: Programmer: Theme: Brief Description:
#205572654Tuesday, December 27, 2016 10:25 PM GMT

Name: Pearl Ward Nickname: N/A Gender: Female Age: 16 Hometown: Orlando, Florida, USA VR Username: Kali VR Gender: Same as RL VR Appearance: In the virtual world, Kali looks like a nekomata, which is an anthropomorphic cat yokai from Japanese Mythology. Kali is usually seen with white fur, blue eyes and she is also usually wearing a dark blue summer kimono (yukata) with pink highlights and an lighter blue sash (obi). She typically isn't wearing any shoes and her height is 4'0". Reference I sketched: https://www.roblox.com/library/571907114/nekomata1 Are you considering Arcane’s offer?: Probably not Personality: nah Other: She is one of the two manipulators mentioned in the lore, specifically the manipulator of destruction. (Anyone else can be the manipulator of creation, but first come first served.)
#205708158Thursday, December 29, 2016 12:56 AM GMT

#205710627Thursday, December 29, 2016 1:19 AM GMT

Marked. May join, who knows. I don't often do the complex Science Fiction roleplays though since this Subforum is at its lowest point, another roleplay would be useful.
#205711054Thursday, December 29, 2016 1:23 AM GMT

#205712472Thursday, December 29, 2016 1:37 AM GMT

(Have you ever read Otherland by Tad Williams?)
#205714539Thursday, December 29, 2016 1:57 AM GMT

I'm taking the other manipulator. /P V m J MK f p pastebin.
#205715552Thursday, December 29, 2016 2:08 AM GMT

#205717413Thursday, December 29, 2016 2:28 AM GMT

@Time No I haven't.
#205717628Thursday, December 29, 2016 2:30 AM GMT

Marked. Gonna look up Second Life avatars. and eyy a fresh 08er member tix?
#205718305Thursday, December 29, 2016 2:37 AM GMT

Ofcorse I do
#205720213Thursday, December 29, 2016 2:59 AM GMT

(Introducing the bystander kinda guy!) Name: Jonathan Ryder Nickname: [Jonathan doesn't like being called nicknames like Jon or Johnny, though the only nickname he somewhat likes is "Ryder"] Gender: Male Age: Twenty two, if not a year or two younger Hometown: Atlanta, Georgia, USA VR Username: "Ace Giacchino" [Some made up name Jonathan came up with that sounded cool] VR Gender: Nothing different than before VR Appearance: Being the kinda guy who came from a family that was only lucky to get their hands on the Metaverse, Jonathan hasn't had the time to earn much units in or out of the game. Therefore, his appearance is very plain. Jonathan wears a red cap with a white base on the front on top of his black-hair-covered head. Jonathan's skin is peach with a small hint of a tan [Note: small hint; heck, probably not even tan at all] and his eyes are brown, giving off the feeling that his pupils are completely pitch black. Jonathan's jaw has yet to overcome hairs and looks completely shaven (yet not having to shave yet) and his face is smooth, rather than fragile. Jonathan's neutral look can often be worried or just breathing intensely, as he hesitates and breathes through his mouth a lot when in bad situations. He wears a white t-shirt below a thin sky blue jacket which is halfway zipped closed. Below is a pair of navy blue jeans that fit him very well and finally a pair of red converse. Now that we're done with the normal stuff, here's the stuff that Jonathan had used with units; Jonathan wears an infinite pocket-verse style backpack which can carry anything as long as it can fit through the open zipper, so no pianos or cars. Another object bought with units is a flashlight that can not only shine light in the dark, but also pick up heat signatures, invisible beings, and nearby intruders with a small touchscreen on the handle. The last item Jonathan could afford was a book on "Handing Relationships With An Inanimate Object" since it was the last book and the only thing he could afford. Snazzy. Yeah, as you can see, Jonathan is both quite new to the Metaverse and quite poor within it. [If anything, he probably bought those objects with the 'beginner's money' everyone is given] Are you considering Arcane’s offer?: Most likely; who wouldn't want superpowers?! Personality: Young but immature, grateful, socially awkward around women; average beginner virgin Other: [Origin, kinda] Being born to a economically failing family, Jonathan was raised with old school video games [And by old school video games, I mean the PlayStation 6 and the yBox] and [slightly] interesting books. He envied the releases of the other types of VR consoles, wishing he had one to use, though his family could simply not afford one... ...though that was before the Metaverse. Now, Jonathan has become apart of the VR community, though he only has one concern; the skin marks on your face when you take off the VR headset after a long while. It itches; a lot.
#205723125Thursday, December 29, 2016 3:31 AM GMT

#205768639Thursday, December 29, 2016 4:27 PM GMT

#205768752Thursday, December 29, 2016 4:29 PM GMT

[You made another forum? *Sigh*]
#205768968Thursday, December 29, 2016 4:31 PM GMT

(Wanted to fix a few things)
#205769200Thursday, December 29, 2016 4:34 PM GMT

[I get it; so should I copy/paste my submission from the other Forum here? .-.]
#205769677Thursday, December 29, 2016 4:41 PM GMT

#205770411Thursday, December 29, 2016 4:51 PM GMT

Name: Minerva Thorne [Edited Surname] Nickname: "Va" Gender: Female Age: 17 and 2 months Hometown: London, England VR Username: Athena VR Gender: Female VR Appearance: Ash-coloured, fluffy, long, thin hair that she usually keeps in a bandana, commonly wears a hoodie or tank-top with black jeans and boots designed specifically for gripping the ground. She usually keeps a grey blindfold over her eyes that is thin enough to see through but thick enough that people cannot see her eyes; thus she relies on her other instict. Wears just a touch of makeup. Part of shoulder is wrapped in bandages as well as one of her hands; she has a few scar near her eye, the tip of them visible when she adjusts her blindfold. Occasionally wears a watch. Are you considering Arcane’s offer?: Maybe. Personality: Tempered, silent, stealthy, intelligent, depressed, self-reliant, entirely a rogue/loner, odd, a tad creepy/weird, calm. Other: N/A [not being a manipulator since it seems OP] Realm: Phobosia Programmer: Nina Crier Theme: Fantasy/Sci-Fi/Dark Brief Description: A decent-sized realm that seems to have short hours of dim daylight and longer hours of night. It looks (and feels) rather foreboding; its occupants are very odd compared to other realms. The realm is also filled with strange beasts/monsters that the occupants are always afraid of. [There, successfully copy/pasted.]
#205774831Thursday, December 29, 2016 5:51 PM GMT

(Accepted again)
#205778026Thursday, December 29, 2016 6:31 PM GMT

(I'll begin.) It was in the late evening in Metropolis, after most people left their daily jobs to go home in the virtual world. Cars and other vehicles such as bikes were moving in the massive city while others walked. Kali was in the latter group. She was currently walking back to the apartment complex where she lived in. Right now she was on a sidewalk not that far away from the apartment. As she watched the cars go by and then stop, the pedestrian crossing light turned green and she walked forward to the other side of the street.
#205778884Thursday, December 29, 2016 6:42 PM GMT

(can i still rp as a male playing as a female in the metaverse?)
#205780652Thursday, December 29, 2016 7:06 PM GMT

(That's fine)
#205789335Thursday, December 29, 2016 8:52 PM GMT

Jonathan laid on his cheap mattress bed, looking up at the ceiling while his television continued to inform him of interesting facts about this entire virtual existence. 'Man, for a virtual reality game as popular as this one, I was kinda expected more from a city named Metropolis...' Jonathan thought as his focus changed from different small spots on the ceiling, obviously marks left from the small chips that fell from the ceiling. He sighed and raised himself up, still sitting on his bed, and pulled out his book about relationships with inanimate objects. "Perhaps I should go back to the Central Station and see what else there is to do here." He spoke after a minute of attempting the first chapter of the book. Slamming the book shut, Jonathan walked out of his room and headed for the main lobby of the apartment complex, checking for any information pages.

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