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#215786495Tuesday, May 02, 2017 9:14 AM GMT

I've played roblox for a good 7-8 years now and I am treated no different than the average newbie robloxian. I'm so into roblox that I cried for hours because I missed a roblox booth at a fair of some kind. I love roblox with all my heart and back when I was a little kid I loved it too. As someone with Anxiety, Depression, PTSD and many other things it's really hard for me to do much of anything else. Roblox isn't my life but I really appreciate everyone who's helped build roblox and create it. I know for a fact that the Moderators and Admins love roblox and its robloxians but I'm not sure that they know how much roblox really means to all the individuals that play the game. Roblox is a beautiful thing and I love it with all my heart. I can't script, I can't make clothing and barely can make T-Shirts but I play almost all day every day. I've bought all Builders clubs (BC TBC OBC) many many times and I don't even know how much my mom has spent for this game... (A lot) But I want roblox to give me a sign that they care for me and they support me back for supporting them. I know for a fact that when I walk into the building of my high school that I am going to be bullied by the same people. I go to school having to deal with kids constantly hating on me and trying to ruin the way people look at me. I never did anything to them and I always wonder why they hate me so much. School is unavoidable for me, I have to go. But a place I can choose to go is roblox.com... My savior, My only safe place. I have real friends on roblox who I can talk to and interact with, Instead of the few I have IRL. I can barely afford bc and I got OBC because my grandparents sent a bunch of money in the mail for me, But I chose to spend it on roblox... Why did I do that? I had 30 bucks! Why did I do that? Because I love roblox and I support what it stands for. This isn't more about giving benefits to old robloxians but more for me to give my story. I appreciate roblox, and I hope roblox appreciates me as much too. Roblox is my heart and soul. You make a difference to me. SuperBoa1, A Robloxian For Life.
#215786697Tuesday, May 02, 2017 9:23 AM GMT

Spammer, and just because you joined a certain year doesn't mean you should be treated like royalty Iraq Lobster!
#215791742Tuesday, May 02, 2017 12:45 PM GMT

unstick the damn paragraph so i can read it better regardless of the paragraph, i support the title
#215792836Tuesday, May 02, 2017 1:27 PM GMT

Good job going off the title like the fake news that you are instead of reading the actual content I chose for you to read, but thanks for the support and bumping my forum post.
#215792857Tuesday, May 02, 2017 1:28 PM GMT

#215793317Tuesday, May 02, 2017 1:44 PM GMT

"I've played roblox for a good 7-8 years now" proof
#215797857Tuesday, May 02, 2017 3:56 PM GMT

Lol no xD And I'm an 09er.
#215842258Wednesday, May 03, 2017 9:52 AM GMT

"Lol no xD And I'm an 09er." AKA a PG'er, I saw your inventory for true proof Iraq Lobster!
#215842821Wednesday, May 03, 2017 10:19 AM GMT

Nah being treated like "the average newbie robloxian" is cool Ո૦ც૦ძע ੮૯૪੮ς Բคς੮૯Ր ੮ҺคՈ ค ƿɿςς૯ძ ૦Բ Բ૯ɱคՆ૯.
#215847298Wednesday, May 03, 2017 12:52 PM GMT

he insulted me wth is wrong with you
#215848568Wednesday, May 03, 2017 1:24 PM GMT

Ya know. The age has dropped. And it does every year. Sort of like Minecraft. But less severe. Let's go and honk the forum.
#215848755Wednesday, May 03, 2017 1:29 PM GMT

roblox age, yes old users leave because of real life things new users come due to youtubers right inbetween are the people who were here enough to see tix slightly, enough for them to ### about it back
#215848765Wednesday, May 03, 2017 1:29 PM GMT

#215860264Wednesday, May 03, 2017 5:34 PM GMT

@Number_Thirteen Df is a PG'er?
#215860297Wednesday, May 03, 2017 5:35 PM GMT

@Jascha It means "pass guesser" aka he's accusing you of not being the original owner of your account.
#215860730Wednesday, May 03, 2017 5:44 PM GMT

@noobill Lol so if I say I'm an 09er there's no way that can be true because that would mean a so called "old player" doesn't want more benefits so I must've hijacked an old account and I'm not really an old player, huh? Sad. I actually started playing ROBLOX since 09 (and yeah I did go on hiatus for two years in 2010 so whatever), but think what you want, but as far as I'm concerned whoever thinks that way is a flat earther I swear xD they're in denial. You don't speak for everyone, deal with it. I doubt any significant amount of "old players" want more benefits for no other reason other than existing, and if they do they're being entitled. We're not better than newer players.
#215860862Wednesday, May 03, 2017 5:47 PM GMT

^ hi·a·tus hīˈādəs/ noun a pause or gap in a sequence, series, or process. You left roblox for 2 years you didn't go on hiatus
#215860894Wednesday, May 03, 2017 5:48 PM GMT

"I saw your inventory for true proof" So you have to own every hat from 09 to 17 to be a real 09er? What kind of stupid logic is that? Sorry I don't support this. I joined ROBLOX back in 08, but that doesn't make me or any other old gen player deserve more than the new players. We're equal, so if we get more benefits these benefits should go to everyone.
#215860943Wednesday, May 03, 2017 5:49 PM GMT

@XePix Nitpick, but ok.
#215861465Wednesday, May 03, 2017 6:03 PM GMT

Everyone is treated the same. You really think noobs are going to somehow know that you joined 7/8 years ago? People even talk trash about admins, everyone is treated the same. The edge of that logo, ow
#215861596Wednesday, May 03, 2017 6:07 PM GMT

@Jascha "Lol so if I say I'm an 09er there's no way that can be true because that would mean a so called "old player" doesn't want more benefits so I must've hijacked an old account and I'm not really an old player, huh? Sad." Well actually he doesn't support this idea either. But I've seen tons of people call anyone with an old account a PG'er for no reason and use some BS logic to try and prove it and to those of you that do it just makes you look salty.
#215911097Thursday, May 04, 2017 1:43 PM GMT

Listen. Not even veterans get benefits. Now I am looking at the bottom of your story. And wow. That is sad. No seriously. That is serious. But listen. Not even Fave has better benefits than modern Roblox players. Let's honk the forum!
#215911174Thursday, May 04, 2017 1:45 PM GMT

veterans should get more benefits because they are loyal enough to stay on roblox for long
#215914237Thursday, May 04, 2017 3:13 PM GMT

i only need 2 more badges that are possible to get (not counting admin and builders club)
#215915750Thursday, May 04, 2017 3:45 PM GMT

i think i have only one, and thats the model maker badge

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