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#218950219Thursday, June 15, 2017 7:27 PM GMT

PART ONE [Preface] "A dominating factor throughout all of human history has been fear, that will not change on this day." Circa 4000-3000 B.C.E In the shadow of a powerful Pantheon known as "The Twelve", humanity was under a power that would come to be known as "Magic". These twelve beings contained power over the mystical realm of the universe, and used their powers to subdue humanity under their whim. Whether their powers were a blessing on humanity as a whole, as no wars broke out under their rule and life prospered or a curse, due to the lack of free thought and free will in this time of occupation, was a constant argument. The Twelve, and their lieutenants (mortal men and women given mystical power), argued that without them that humanity would surely have destroyed themselves, that the Twelve existed solely for the betterment of man kind. As the years went on humanity began to evolve. Those hidden among the crowds began to learn their own ways to control the magical arts, against the will of The Twelve. Even with all this training, the power that man developed seemed to pale in comparison to what subjugated them. It became very clear that nothing of this world would have the power to defeat them and free humanity. But perhaps something from another world? Such was the thought of a young man. He was poor, crippled, and wanted nothing more than absolute power. He sought out magical teachings from every corner of the hidden realm, learning dark arts that had been forbidden, even among those illegally using magic. Though his power grew, he learned that he still could not even stand to the might of the Twelve. In his anger he drew from a deeper power he had never felt before. This well of power corrupted his mind and soul, and destroyed them. In the place of the husk, a being going by the name of "Nocte" who proclaimed he knew of beings that could overthrow the Twelve. Hidden from the view of the near omniscient eye of the Twelve, Nocte formed a portal in the depths of the Earth. With the portal constructed Nocte put all of his power into it to pull forth the most horrendous beings imaginable, beings that would make the Twelve run in fear, to bow only to him. However, it did not go as planned. Midway through the opening of the rift, it was corrupted (or maybe cleansed?) by an outside hand. Rather than legions of demonic beasts emerging from it, there came 6 humanoid beings. 3 Male, 3 Female. These beings pledged to Nocte, for freeing them, one task and one task only. With a hint of reluctance, he commanded them to form an army and destroy the Twelve. Amazingly, the 6 marched on the mountain cathedral of the Twelve alone. From there a conflict that shook the world began, but only days later had the beings overthrown the Twelve.. Nocte was so impressed he sought to corrupt these beings. When they refused his wishes, he killed the youngest of their group. Nocte used his blood to raise the newly dead Twelve. Not wanting humanity to suffer, the remaining beings destroyed Nocte and sealed his 12 risen monsters in the Earth. The 5 then took up their fallen brother, supplies necessary for years of travel, and their closest followers, and left the continent. [Rules and Character Sheet] Forum: https://forum.roblox.com/Forum/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=218949671
#218950253Thursday, June 15, 2017 7:27 PM GMT

PART TWO [Cont.] As humanity prospered and flourished from then on, the mysterious beings from another world faded into legend, prompting stories of Prophets and Messiah's throughout human history. Their own civilization, hidden from humanity, survived and became technologically superior to anything of their time. However, it was not without flaws. Three of the remaining 5 rose up against their leaders for naming their son, Bec, the new leader at a young age. A civil war broke out that lasted years, eventually a spell was set off by the insurgents causing the death of all of their kind, and the destruction of their civilization. Bec had the foresight to defend his two children, Dare and Dela, from the wrath of the war. This conflict happened nearly 800 years ago. Their civilization had been destroyed for so long, and even those who still believed in the whispers of these of these other worldly saviors, doubt that the two children may yet still live. It was believed, and told, that one day these beings, named Forebearers for their Ancestral connection to all enhanced humans, would return and pick up humanity from their darkest hours, and lead a specifically selected beings against The Twelve if they ever returned. However, like most enhanced humans, the modern world does not believe this story, nor do they believe anything of the like could ever threaten humanity... Though... it became very ironic 800 years later... 2011 A.D This year is when the world woke up to realize that all of the world was much bigger then they had previously believed. A storm, the likes of which nobody had ever known, had formed over the center of the Atlantic Ocean and began to move West towards the United States. It was discovered that the storm was, somehow, a sentient being, targeting something, or someone, and moving ever so slowly across the hemisphere to its destination. The being took on multiple forms, even going as far as to summon smaller elemental familiars in cities to pull out any and all who sought refuge from it. The time had come for the hidden world of magic, monsters, and superhuman to come out of hiding. What does the storm truly bring? Well, that remains to be seen.
#218951438Thursday, June 15, 2017 7:46 PM GMT


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