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#42499520Sunday, February 13, 2011 11:43 PM GMT

Sidenote: Wow, 3 pages in word O_O Thank you for listening to the rant channel, which is somewhat liked but never listened to, today, we have a special "Frankenstein Thread" (aka, a lot of similar threads strung together to form a big idea) so let's listen and see what we learn... NOTE: I have added things (They would look like blah blah blah [edit] More stuff here [edit]) in here, but have left what I'm correcting in so you can still see it. SO DON'T TROLL SAYING I'M TRYING TO LOOK LIKE I CAN EDIT A POST! I AM JUST ADDING SOMETHING EXTRA, AND MAKING SURE YOU KNOW IT ISN'T PART OF THE ORIGINAL! Well, to start off, here's a small disclaimer from our sponsors: Remember kids, no matter what they say, suggesting to fix an update is not suggesting to undo it! And now, back to the rant: Welcome to ROBLOX, we are a kid safe place, and we most certainly are NOT full of ODers, spammers, and innapropriate material! We are positively stuffed with originality and the front page will always show you originality and creativity...not. Hey look, I made a table of contents! (Just no TL;DRs please.) Table of Contents! A: Intro B: Links to ideas, points, and my comments to them C: MY points, concerns, and solutions - 1: You are pressuring us to buy BC - 2: Lag - 3: Fix TC - 4: The mod-bots - 5: Judgment - 6: Concern for older users is lacking - 7: Contest fail - 8: Free model invasion ROBLOX is falling apart. If you don't know that, I feel bad for you. Take a look at the front page of games, that isn't an "oh-wow" that is a VERY bad thing! I almost never go there anymore, because it is by far too depressing. ROBLOX spends every wakin hour making hats and content. Content? Doesn't ROBLOX have better things to do besides making CONTENT!?! Have they forgotten user made content!? Back in 07-08, and if you were lucky, even a bit in 09, you could command respect by being a programmer, nowadays, that particular group is neglected and dying. As Meelo stated, though scripters make all the cool stuff, they are dropping like flies, yet there is another group out there, that thrives off of them. Builders. Do I blame them for what they do? No. But ROBLOX favors them over just about everybody. It doesn't matter who made the stuff, the builders put it in the place. Look at the "List of famous 09-11ers, you'll see what I mean. Now, why don't we check out the little blue bar up there near the top of the screen. MY ROBLOX: This button is dedicated to being clicked a million times a day, not much wrong here, so we'll move on Games: Stuffed with stolen games, free-modeled crap, ODer flytraps, and unsophisticated idiots Catalog: Once upon a time, ROBLOX was a building game. Now, it is 'dress up with pixelated avatar!' This catalog is where it starts, where each week a new 1,000 R$ hat is out, and a 5,000 R$ gear to top it. Half the time the hats meshes suck or the gear is fault, as all they can do is frantically dish it out just to put a 1000+ price on it. People: Ah, our community. The laughingstock of the internet. I can write these rants, but games with better communities (MC) sum it up in a sentence: '...The community is a bunch of 5 year old trolls...' Builders Club: Wow, this looks different from 08. Personally, this seems to be the only update they give 100% willingly, and I'm not surprised how much it's been updated Contests: Contests, how do I sum them up? They fail. I know they worked hard on them, but the fail. Everything on the winners' page is the same thing, and voting accuracy is a pile of lies. See more on this subject in C -7. Forum: The forums are almost another world. Most full out forumers don't even care about the site. Lots of people here are intelligent, but most are 5 year old trolls. The forums haven't been updated for years, no matter how many times the admins say they will. Let me see (WARNING: STEREOTYPES!) ROBLOX talk are, for the most part, a bunch of self centered users, Let's make a deal is full of scam complaints and whiners, S&I is full of "GIV3 M34 TIX PL0X!" and "HATS PLEASE" Roleplayers (My first post was here =D) are in another dimension and can't care less about the site, and the scripters sections are trolls. The better they are at scripting, the more a troll they are! If I didn't mention a section, it's because I was bored typing this, so don't point it out. News: It's just all "New hat this" and "New gear that" Once I saw a post called 'Laying down the law' and smiled! I thought they were finally updating the mod-bots! Yet my hopes were dashed, it was just more hats and gear... Parents: Hey parents! Stalk your kid and watch them play "ODer heaven" "Zombie Slaughter" and "Torture Chamber" Help: Help? What help? All you do is make things worse, what needs help are the admins BRAINS! B: Now, enough of that, let's try some SOLUTIONS! In the link below, fghik gives nice instructions and tips on how to improve ROBLOX. Read the whole forum, it's got good stuff in it. I don't want any posts saying TL;DR, as that will prove you are no better than the majority of ROBLOX players. The 20s: http://www.roblox.com/Forum/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=34895696 Now, if ROBLOX were to do half the things on that list, they'd probably find people on ROBLOX were a lot happier and you were getting less quits and flames every day! Let’s Rethink the WHOLE thing: http://www.roblox.com/Forum/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=32009145 You will find that this guy is a little blunter than the previous, but he too points out a great many things wrong here. I really suggest reading his post all the way, as following the instructions within can lead to a better ROBLOX. [edit] Wow, they [CD]ed it!? He just won the internets [edit] C: Now, I will address a few issues, with my own comments to them 1: The admins are pressuring us into buying builders club They are are! If you deny it, you are very much oblivious! They recycle the same ideas for gear and hats, and don’t even bother to make it very high-quality, all they do all day is spam off gear and hats so they can slap a high price on it! I get it, “ROBLOX needs BC buyers to keep going BLAHBLAHBLAHBLAHBLAH” Yes, but they are taking the wrong approach! Maybe if they were to release more tix hats, and re-balanced trade currency, fewer people would say “This game sucks” and more people would stick around and buy builders club. The ROBLOX admins current approach causes short-term members to buy BC once and quit, my system would get people to stay longer AND buy BC multiple times while they stay. BUT 1T'5 OK FOUR C0MPANYS TO PUSH SHTUUFZ TROLOLOL!! Yes, but there are what I call "the three stages" to things like this. Stage one: Premium members get so little, very few people buy it. Stage two: Premium gets enough for people to buy it, but the game is still fun to free users. Stage three: The game is, essentially, pay to play. No rights for free users, and fewer bans for payers. ROBLOX is somewhere 2/3 ways to stage three. 2: Lag As is stated by fghik, it is NOT all in your computer. ROBLOX’s OGRE system is terrible and 8 versions out of date, it's physics are lagging (And they need some MAJOR improvements),and a number IDK out of date, and even if I can play huge internet multi-player games with no lag, ROBLOX still lags like crazy! Fix it. How you say? Simply update you engines and get back up to date. There, half done. The other half is player movement. Because players move the way they do now, things have changed. In 07ish-08ish (I think) if you got hit by a train, you would fly. Now, with the new movement, the train stops dead! This needs fixing... 3: Fix Trade Currency You know what? People are always attacking anti-modern TC thing, because they claim it is our fault for not buying tix! Just because they are player controlled doesn't mean it's our fault! Why should we buy tix? It doesn't buy anything! When WAS the last tix hat? (Not including the 250,000 tix necklace) I'd at least like them to start making some GOOD tix hats. That will encourage people to buy tix more, and then maybe re-balance the TC rates! At the very least it will make people happy for a bit. 4: Mod-Bots Ya, we know. You replaced the human moderators with bots. Yes, most of us realise by now that you crppy pay-checks aren't gonna be enough to pay humans. I understand that mods cost a lot and can’t monitor everywhere, but on the forums, people can hardly make anything because the mod bots are attacking their posts, and the people who really do do bad stuff get away with it. For the 08ers who saw them, go find a waybackmachine or something and find ROlitical cartoon #3, it mocked the mod-bots. Did you know ROBLOX stopped monitoring posts with humans? They did. How do I know? It's something most people didn't notice had left. Remember how back in 07-early 09, how when you posted, it said "Your post is being reviewed by a moderator, it may take a while to get through"? It doesn't anymore. You post instantly. Instead, a filter and the occasional patrolling mod-bot checks it. And they fail. Get an upgrade, there are plenty. 5: The Mod/Admin judgment is terrible What I would really like to know is why many incredible works of ROBLOXian art are [Content Deleted] when games like “Torture Chamber” and “Island Resort” (aka ODing grounds) are never even touched. Why is it that people with good sense and great scripting abilities like Meelo are banned, when freaking ODers like SONICTHEHEDGEHOGXX (Who didn't even make an inch of any of his places) aren’t!!!! I can’t claim to know all the facts, but if I’m not mistaken, our little ODing friend was banned for making an Oder place, and he was unbanned FOR HAVING OBC!?!?!?!? Are you saying as long as I pay $19 I’m allowed to break even the most important rules and get away with it!?!?!? I don't care if they get made and sue you for taking their payed money then banning them, they deserve it! If you break a rule, the too bad so sad, the BC you payed for was a waste. You knew the rules, you broke 'em. Boo-hoo. 6: The staff are not concerned with your older, more intelligent users Sadly, it is true. It odesn't matter how often they make a survey full of features we'd love, or promising to fix contests, because they never follow through. BU1 UPDAT3S TAKE M0NTH5!!! In ROBLOX 06ish life, they had an update every month (Building, as I don't think they had scripts back then) with the limited 2-4 man staff of the day. Now they have over 20, and haven't made a good update for months. They spam off twenty 1,000 R$ hats and two 5000 R$ gear before they even think of giving us an update! And when you do give us an update, it’s something very few people want! Take the new HUDs for example. I didn’t want them, tons of other people hate them, only a bunch of immature 10ers who've never seen how much better the older system was like them. (And a few other users, but I won't trash them, as they know what they're doing) I get it, some people like them, so make it so we can toggle it on and off! I would really like that. 7: Contests fail Yes, I know already. The devs worked really hard on them. BUT THEY SUCK! Ever seen the winners pages lately? All the same, copied, free-modeled game. The contest is over the moment the first vote is cast. And I certainly don’t like being penalized for choosing “The wrong Place” The “right one” is just a free model-filled crappile made by someone with lots of alts! Solution: Go back to the old way, we all liked that kind better, sure we’ll have some problems, but I liked it simpler. [edit] The old way doesn't work, don't troll please. Try this next few sentences [edit] If that proves impossible, how about IP tracking, so alts won't work? We need a way to stop: All places being copies of eachother, voting accuracy crap (See previous sentence) and how VA works in general. With those fixed, things will be a lot better. 8: Free models have taken over Yes, this point is taken straight out of the 20s, as is its solution, which is as follows: Make a free-model cap. Say, only 50% of the place can come from free models. How is that? Not only will it help reduce free-model spam places, but it will also encourage people to learn how to build and script without free models, and our scripter/builder quality levels will rise! Think where ROBLOX can go once nearly every member can script and build well! [edit] Yes, I know this is limiting, but we need to get over it. Most people would be motivated to make their own stuff by this, so why not? [edit] I hope this has been a wake-up call for those who read this, whoever you are. Now please, pass this on to the rest of your ROBLOX buddies. D: This concludes my utterly pointless rant, of which the ROBLOX staff will most likely never bother to look at. Meanwhile, I'll just whittle away my time scripting[edit]/playing MC (MUCH better than ROBLOX I might add)[edit] and hoping ROBLOX's staff will wake up and see they're ruined game in time to save it... Paste this thread's like in your descriptions and statuses if you want, spread the news, it'll probably be gone days after I post it. Part LOL: Siggy ~I would take the time to entertain you, but, too much effort involved~ Sloth
#42507943Monday, February 14, 2011 1:56 AM GMT

A bump already =(
#42526275Monday, February 14, 2011 6:18 PM GMT

=( x2
#42563653Tuesday, February 15, 2011 2:02 PM GMT

#42564254Tuesday, February 15, 2011 3:00 PM GMT

2009 gamer 2011 forum reader (not realy any posts) Hello
#42566168Tuesday, February 15, 2011 4:47 PM GMT

I joined Roblox in 09, and I haven't seen the "old" Roblox from 06-07, but I have come a long way with scripting/building. I am dissapointed with Roblox too. I have (as I have been told) a front-page-worthy place, but it has barely passed 12500 visits because everyone is playing the same crap that is on the front page now (if you want to see the place, here is the link: http://www.roblox.com/Halo-Elites-Vs-Spartans-Testing-Splatter-Kills-item?id=15247188). I also hate how the same noobs keep spamming and trolling the forums, making the helper forums impossible to use. I don't use the helper forums much, but when I do, I would like to get some actual help. I am shred1894 and this is how I feel.
#42568838Tuesday, February 15, 2011 7:04 PM GMT

@Shred The forums 'aint your advertising house. Talk about your game, sure, but posting a link takes it too far. @OP You have some good points, but the one about switching HUD- Scripters and the like, including myself, have already adjusted all our GUIs to take up much more room, since this HUD is sleaker and thiner, I do not want to make it tiny, to accomodate for most of the bottom being taken up on some users, and most of the top on other user's
#42576586Tuesday, February 15, 2011 10:21 PM GMT

Again, I ask for 2 things on that: One: The option to switch back and forth Two: The the old HUDs be formatted to not screw up new GUIs. ROBLOX mocked modern fads this christmas, yet they themselves have fallen into a big one. Style over substance. Think it over people
#42576905Tuesday, February 15, 2011 10:26 PM GMT

ROBLOX gone a long way. From the beginning, to the fall. I agree to your thread. This has gone far....REAL FAR! [Insert Catchphrase here] ~Bvalere
#42576971Tuesday, February 15, 2011 10:26 PM GMT

I only read to the intro...But support.
#42603070Wednesday, February 16, 2011 2:01 PM GMT

*sigh* ROBLOX sucks. That's why I play MC now. Much more fun. I remember back when it WAS fun...*sigh* those were the good ol' days...
#42603115Wednesday, February 16, 2011 2:05 PM GMT

I remember playing as a guest the day they came out in 08. Back then, they really were "guests" and were treated like them too. *Sigh*
#42603133Wednesday, February 16, 2011 2:06 PM GMT

Woah! Lots of pixels!
#42603361Wednesday, February 16, 2011 2:26 PM GMT

ROBLOX needs to actually update you know. Yes, they could make better updates that people WANT but still, you don't want to stick with 06 people. They weren't even ANIMATED. ROBLOX is still fine now though, you can build, who CARES if people use free models, just go to the good places, its their problem that they fail.
#42615958Wednesday, February 16, 2011 10:17 PM GMT

You know what? I don't CARE if the site looks like crap. I don't CARE if the characters aren't animated. Yes, I like player animations, but I'd likeit even better if ROBLOX started fixing things, not making more hats and more problems.
#42732523Saturday, February 19, 2011 2:49 PM GMT

Where did everybody go? (Hidden Bump)
#42732933Saturday, February 19, 2011 3:01 PM GMT

#42912222Tuesday, February 22, 2011 2:03 PM GMT

#43493665Saturday, March 05, 2011 4:03 PM GMT

Bump 1
#43493736Saturday, March 05, 2011 4:04 PM GMT

[ Content Deleted ]
#43700240Wednesday, March 09, 2011 1:37 PM GMT

Will you PLEASE stop trying to make this a plain old rant? I try to keep some (dull) humor in these -_-

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