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#49930663Tuesday, July 05, 2011 7:51 AM GMT

OK FIRST. THIS IS NOT A GUEST REMOVAL THREAD OK? They should have Guest Only servers. They should be allowed to talk in said servers. People are gonna be like, "Oh well we need to show Guests how to play." But you can't show them because you can't talk. If you don't support, please give a reason so I can rework the thread. ~Soldier in a Fedora.~
#49930762Tuesday, July 05, 2011 7:55 AM GMT

No. If this happens, People who wants to try out the sociality of the game (written in the opening video),won't be able to. Since everyone they see are guests. Also, Why do you want to isolate them into another server? They can't see chats, They can't chat, They can't do anything which are breaking the rules, Builderman - "Whatever happens in a place is none of our concern." (NOT DIRECTLY QUOTED.)
#49930840Tuesday, July 05, 2011 7:58 AM GMT

"No. If this happens, People who wants to try out the sociality of the game (written in the opening video),won't be able to. Since everyone they see are guests. Also, Why do you want to isolate them into another server? They can't see chats, They can't chat, They can't do anything which are breaking the rules, Builderman - "Whatever happens in a place is none of our concern." (NOT DIRECTLY QUOTED.)" Guests can't try out the sociality of the game, and if they chat in a server they practically can. You can be social if you can't have any form of communication. And "OMG I GOTTA GO MY HOUSE IS ON FIRE" spammed is not a good conversation, btw.
#49930869Tuesday, July 05, 2011 7:59 AM GMT

And if they can't chat* Sorry.
#49930897Tuesday, July 05, 2011 8:01 AM GMT

Guests can't try out the sociality of the game if they can't chat in a server.* Sorry had to completely rework it.
#49930910Tuesday, July 05, 2011 8:01 AM GMT

"Guests can't try out the sociality of the game, and if they chat in a server they practically can." The least they know that not everybody are guests. Also, Clothings, If guests are confined in a server together, There won't be any clothings since everything is so boring. Guests = Newbies If you confine newbies together, How will they get fun from nothing? "You can be social if you can't have any form of communication." Menu Chat. "And "OMG I GOTTA GO MY HOUSE IS ON FIRE" spammed is not a good conversation, btw." -Irrelevant.
#49930967Tuesday, July 05, 2011 8:04 AM GMT

To make guest only servers, script a VIP door that only allows the Guest Shirt ROBLOX made, then put it on the spawn. Easy thing. Nobody can get the shirt, and only Guests can pass through because they are wearing it And to make guests talk like a normal user, put in a Guest Talking Script.
#49930970Tuesday, July 05, 2011 8:04 AM GMT

Vida, a normal guest conversation is this. "Your place is cool!" "Thanks!" Then people who own an account spam "Go Away!" til they actually leave.
#49930987Tuesday, July 05, 2011 8:05 AM GMT

*Voltorb Then nobody can get in. Duh.
#49931011Tuesday, July 05, 2011 8:06 AM GMT

Support, but ony for one made by Roblox itself; a "Welcome to Roblox" game, if you will, that explains the basics of the whole site(My Roblox, Forums, Catalog, etc.) to the guests, as well as the rules. Heck, they might as well be sent there for the first time, rather than join game, do things considered "nooby" by us players, and get hated on again.
#49931018Tuesday, July 05, 2011 8:06 AM GMT

@thegroundbeforeyou, Thats why a mute button is currently under review. Therefore, "Vida, a normal guest conversation is this. "Your place is cool!" "Thanks!" Then people who own an account spam "Go Away!" til they actually leave. " -Invalid statement.
#49931124Tuesday, July 05, 2011 8:11 AM GMT

"@thegroundbeforeyou, Thats why a mute button is currently under review. Therefore, "Vida, a normal guest conversation is this. "Your place is cool!" "Thanks!" Then people who own an account spam "Go Away!" til they actually leave. " -Invalid statement." Invalid Statement? I'm sorry Vida, but that was a fail. Being social is not using a little word bank. I mean I guess it could be, but its barely even being social. The guest only server is Guests using actual chat. That way they can socialize with other Guests, and they should have a word filter on that they just get kicked out for cussing or something. And most people would think Guests are annoyances, so that way all the people who make Guest removal threads would stop spamming S&I to remove them.
#49931138Tuesday, July 05, 2011 8:12 AM GMT

Until that mute button is installed, the guy's statement is still vaild.
#49931228Tuesday, July 05, 2011 8:16 AM GMT

And a mute button would be anti social towards guests, as people would just mute all the guests in the server.
#49931255Tuesday, July 05, 2011 8:17 AM GMT

"Being social is not using a little word bank. I mean I guess it could be, but its barely even being social." So,you're implying that guests can't be social? The kids in Roblox are already socialized even when they can only use menu chats and have their messaging disabled. Guests are like the kids. They can't see chats, They can't see menu chats. "The guest only server is Guests using actual chat. That way they can socialize with other Guests, and they should have a word filter on that they just get kicked out for cussing or something." Guests will just find a way out of the filter. That is why Roblox didn't want guests to see the chats,as well as chatting. Remember, Roblox are meant for kids. Therefore, Most likely if there is a "real guest",it will either be kids/parents. Call that an assumption. But that assumption is what made Roblox create the guest system. "And most people would think Guests are annoyances, so that way all the people who make Guest removal threads would stop spamming S&I to remove them." Guests are annoyance? Like how are they annoying? Unless you're just bias, Guest can do anything that a normal user can also do. Just that they don't have an account. Also, As I said, Note that Builderman had already said, - "Whatever happens in a place is none of our concern.Unless it is regarding chatlogs." At the Community guidelines.
#49931271Tuesday, July 05, 2011 8:18 AM GMT

"And a mute button would be anti social towards guests, as people would just mute all the guests in the server." As I said, Guests can only use menu chats. What harm can menu chats do? So even if normal players mute them, They're still like muting a mute.
#49931347Tuesday, July 05, 2011 8:21 AM GMT

"And a mute button would be anti social towards guests, as people would just mute all the guests in the server." As I said, Guests can only use menu chats. What harm can menu chats do? So even if normal players mute them, They're still like muting a mute. *Cough Cough* Spam *Cough Cough* Thats why I wanted a Guest only server so they don't spam the game with the menu chat and make everyone want to rage quit because guests are no fun when the only thing they do is say the epic duck is coming *Cough Cough* Now read the long part like I was saying fast.
#49931378Tuesday, July 05, 2011 8:22 AM GMT

"*Cough Cough* Spam *Cough Cough* Thats why I wanted a Guest only server so they don't spam the game with the menu chat and make everyone want to rage quit because guests are no fun when the only thing they do is say the epic duck is coming *Cough Cough*" Your idea of a guest server is only fail. So what if they say that an epik duck is coming? That could only like, Press that button for 1 per 2 second at the fastest rate. Oh btw, Don't TL;DR on me. Because from what I see, You're just reading my shortest post. If not, You're just the one who is saying, "OMG MY HOUSE IS ON FIRE,I GOTTA GO."
#49931561Tuesday, July 05, 2011 8:33 AM GMT

"Being social is not using a little word bank. I mean I guess it could be, but its barely even being social." So,you're implying that guests can't be social? The kids in Roblox are already socialized even when they can only use menu chats and have their messaging disabled. Guests are like the kids. They can't see chats, They can't see menu chats. "The guest only server is Guests using actual chat. That way they can socialize with other Guests, and they should have a word filter on that they just get kicked out for cussing or something." Guests will just find a way out of the filter. That is why Roblox didn't want guests to see the chats,as well as chatting. Remember, Roblox are meant for kids. Therefore, Most likely if there is a "real guest",it will either be kids/parents. Call that an assumption. But that assumption is what made Roblox create the guest system. "And most people would think Guests are annoyances, so that way all the people who make Guest removal threads would stop spamming S&I to remove them." Guests are annoyance? Like how are they annoying? Unless you're just bias, Guest can do anything that a normal user can also do. Just that they don't have an account. Also, As I said, Note that Builderman had already said, "Whatever happens in a place is none of our concern.Unless it is regarding chatlogs." At the Community guidelines. I'm going through the paragraphs in numbers. 1. Yes I am implying that guests aren't able to be social, simple words that are put in the wrong section and sub section makes it hard to have conversations. Only seeing other Guests talk isn't very entertaining. They will probably end up thinking all you can do is use those words, when I saw the cloud and clicked on it I thought thats how I had to talk, see, first impressions on "kids" are hard to reverse. 2. Parents would not use a guest thing, because they can't figure out what people are saying and so they wouldn't know if the game was safe for there child. Roblox is meant for kids, but everyone passes the filter using **'s, so that statement is invalid. So just Guests doing it wouldn't mean a thing because every server I join I see a kid raging on another kid using so many stars its insane. 3. I played ROBLOX a LOT when I was younger, when Guests were introduced nobody liked them, and people don't like them. I'm not going by MY opinions, I'm going by OTHERS opinions. And spam can be easy. They can just click the cloud, click the first thing they see, then do it again. MULTIPLE TIMES. I didn't TL;DR on you, I just wanted the easier one to be done first.
#49931731Tuesday, July 05, 2011 8:42 AM GMT

I'm going through the paragraphs in numbers. "Yes I am implying that guests aren't able to be social, simple words that are put in the wrong section and sub section makes it hard to have conversations. Only seeing other Guests talk isn't very entertaining. They will probably end up thinking all you can do is use those words, when I saw the cloud and clicked on it I thought thats how I had to talk, see, first impressions on "kids" are hard to reverse." Yes, They aren't very entertaining. But so what? If kids can socialize using menu chats, So can guests. Also, If a real guest comes by, Most likely they will try to see if there is anything to entertain them. If they can't see clothings, They can't see gears (gear fights), They can't see how much epic are real players, Then why would they bother join? Even if it isn't for socialization. "Parents would not use a guest thing, because they can't figure out what people are saying and so they wouldn't know if the game was safe for there child. Roblox is meant for kids, but everyone passes the filter using **'s, so that statement is invalid. So just Guests doing it wouldn't mean a thing because every server I join I see a kid raging on another kid using so many stars its insane." Remember. A kid can only use menu chats, Unless they fake their own age. Also, Why makes you so sure that parents won't use a guest thing? Yes, We are now comparing assumptions. But as I said, The assumption that parents wants to test out Roblox is what led Roblox to make the Guest system. If not, Why do you think they would add it? For people to troll? Not likely. "I played ROBLOX a LOT when I was younger, when Guests were introduced nobody liked them, and people don't like them. I'm not going by MY opinions, I'm going by OTHERS opinions. And spam can be easy. They can just click the cloud, click the first thing they see, then do it again. MULTIPLE TIMES." As I said, Guests can do what normal players do. Guests can delete bricks? So can normal players. Guests can spam menu chats? So can normal players. Seriously, Why do you need me to keep repeating this? And as I had already said TWICE. AND NOW THRICE. Builderman had said that whatever happens in a place, Is none of the mod's problem. Instead, Its the community. "I didn't TL;DR on you, I just wanted the easier one to be done first." Good. By the way, Don't keep repeating the same reasons. Keep in mind that, Guests can do what players can also do, Guests have equal rights then kids, Guests will most likely be parents (SOLID ASSUMPTION), Guests can see CLOTHINGS. Guests can see GEARS. Guests are used for people to test out Roblox, And finally, Making a server needs REAL money.
#49932222Tuesday, July 05, 2011 9:09 AM GMT

"As I said, Guests can do what normal players do. Guests can delete bricks? So can normal players. Guests can spam menu chats? So can normal players. Seriously, Why do you need me to keep repeating this? And as I had already said TWICE. AND NOW THRICE. Builderman had said that whatever happens in a place, Is none of the mod's problem. Instead, Its the community. "I didn't TL;DR on you, I just wanted the easier one to be done first." Good. By the way, Don't keep repeating the same reasons. Keep in mind that, Guests can do what players can also do, Guests have equal rights then kids, Guests will most likely be parents (SOLID ASSUMPTION), Guests can see CLOTHINGS. Guests can see GEARS. Guests are used for people to test out Roblox, And finally, Making a server needs REAL money." Yes, and now that over a million people on this game have BC, Which makes about 5,000,000 MONTHLY, and thats not adding people with OBC and TBC. I think ROBLOX is WELL funded. A couple of extra servers on games aren't gonna cost a ton of money. ROBLOX mods are now becoming money grabbers. I am stating my reasons multiple times BECAUSE YOU ARE NOT GETTING THEM. Get back to me when you see the small things.
#49932279Tuesday, July 05, 2011 9:13 AM GMT

"As I said, Guests can do what normal players do. Guests can delete bricks? So can normal players. Guests can spam menu chats? So can normal players. Seriously, Why do you need me to keep repeating this? And as I had already said TWICE. AND NOW THRICE. Builderman had said that whatever happens in a place, Is none of the mod's problem. Instead, Its the community. Kids have accounts and occasionally buy BC, thats why they have more rights then Guests. Normal Players can be talked to, unlike Guests who spam the game, and whenever you say "Go Away!" on the chat so they can see it, they just spam again, and rage on the server.
#49932307Tuesday, July 05, 2011 9:15 AM GMT

"Yes, and now that over a million people on this game have BC, Which makes about 5,000,000 MONTHLY, and thats not adding people with OBC and TBC." Oh? So there are, Updates which costs money, Servers which costs money, Paying thousand of dollars to each mods MONTHLY, Rallies which costs money, Ads which costs money, Holding a website which costs money. And they're only supported by BCs and google ads. And you say that they earn 5 million monthly? You're a joke. "think ROBLOX is WELL funded." -Assumption,not solid enough. " I am stating my reasons multiple times BECAUSE YOU ARE NOT GETTING THEM. Get back to me when you see the small things. " It is you who are not getting it. You fail to defend even ONE of seven points. And now you're here whining about me not getting your reasons. Like as if I didn't give constructive criticism.
#49932344Tuesday, July 05, 2011 9:18 AM GMT

"Kids have accounts and occasionally buy BC, thats why they have more rights then Guests." -Assumption. Most kids must have gotten BC with their parent's approval. Therefore, Their parents are most likely to test out Roblox since they want to see if it is worth the money. "Normal Players can be talked to, unlike Guests who spam the game, and whenever you say "Go Away!" on the chat so they can see it, they just spam again, and rage on the server."" Didn't I say, "Kids"? Just in case you don't know. If you're a kid,and you didn't fake your age, You won't be able to chat, You won't be able to see chat, You can only use menu chat. Just like guests. Also, How does guests rage? As I said, The FASTEST rate they can click on a chat is only about 1 per 2 second. And also, As I said, "This is the community's problem,not the mods."
#49932470Tuesday, July 05, 2011 9:29 AM GMT

"Oh? So there are, Updates which costs money, Servers which costs money, Paying thousand of dollars to each mods MONTHLY, Rallies which costs money, Ads which costs money, Holding a website which costs money. And they're only supported by BCs and google ads. And you say that they earn 5 million monthly? You're a joke. "think ROBLOX is WELL funded." -Assumption,not solid enough. It is you who are not getting it. You fail to defend even ONE of seven points. And now you're here whining about me not getting your reasons. Like as if I didn't give constructive criticism." Say there are 20-30 mods. 1200 each. Lets go middle in 27. 27 x 1200 = 34,000. Lets say ROBLOX makes 7,000,000 a month, (Its obvious they make more) Updates: 50,000-100,000. I'm going half on this so 75,000 dollars. Servers could cost more, around 800,000 to 1,000,000 So 950,000 would be a bit accurate (I don't know how much servers cost) They have done ONE rally so far. That would cost around 2,000,000. They have so many ads that PAY THEM to run on the site. Add about 50,000 onto that. Website could be around 25,000 - 50,000. (Don't know how much a website costs) So lets say 40,000. So they have 3,951,000 dollars left. And you'll say that don't make that much money. So in your ideas it could be ranging 1,951,000 to 3,951,000. I did the math, so if you apparently know ALL the prices for the site and stuff, please fill me in. I love how you think I'm whining, when you know I'm disproving your ridiculous reasons.

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